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《灵界经历》 第544节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 544

544. Continuation about the inhabitants of Jupiter

Spirits are permitted to speak with earth dwellers, but these are not permitted to speak with a spirit, except those words, when being chastised, that they will do the thing no longer. If they do it again, when they had promised not to, they are punished even more severely; for the spirit comes back, and easily proves them guilty. For he can tell from their memory everything they have done, as angels can from their conscience.

So spirits know from their memory what people have done, and angels know from their conscience whether there was evil intent, and they therefore temper [the punishment] according to the factors that present themselves. What it amounts to is that the angels judge between the spirit and the person.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 544


It is allowable for spirits there to speak with a man, but not for the man to speak with a spirit, except to say, when he is being chastised, that he will do so no more. If he does so again after he has promised, he is then still more severely chastised; for the spirit returns and convicts him easily, knowing all things of his memory, but their angels know from his conscience what he has done. Thus as a spirit knows from the man's memory what has been done, the angels know from his conscience whether the intention was evil; hence they moderate [the punishment] according to the things that then happen. The intention can be compared with the act, so that the angels may judge between the spirit and the man.

Experientiae Spirituales 544 (original Latin 1748-1764)

544. Continuatio de Jovis incolis

Spiritibus licet loqui cum homine, sed homini 1

non cum spiritu, praeter ea, quum castigatur, quod non amplius ita faciet, si postea facit, quando promisit, adhuc severius castigatur, nam redit spiritus, et facile eum convincit, nam novit omnia ex memoria ejus, et angeli eorum ex conscientia, quid egit, sic ut spiritus ex memoria eorum sciant, quid fecerint, angeli ex conscientia, num mala intentio, inde moderantur, secundum ea quae tunc obveniunt; hoc comparari potest cum eo, quod judicent inter spiritum et hominem.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has homo

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