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《灵界经历》 第5457节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5457

5457. About the Profane from various religions, especially from the Roman Catholic

Those of both sexes who are profane were collected into one group, and first of all those of the Catholic religion, and all those who had believed the holy things of their religion and profaned them, as for instance: those who devised deceitful tricks against others in all kinds of ways, who committed immoral acts outside and inside the convents, who violated girls in convents, and the girls themselves who were violated, their leaders of both sexes who enticed [these girls] and permitted [such things]; and those who afterwards arranged their murders lest the crime be made public; besides other immoral acts with the holy things of their religion which must be passed by in silence.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5457


There were collected into one [assembly], profane spirits of both sexes; and, in the first place, those who were of the Catholic religion. All of them, also, are those who have believed the holy things of their religion, and have profaned them; as, for example, those who have contrived deceitful arts against others in any way whatever; who have perpetrated crimes, without and within monasteries; who have debauched girls in monasteries, and the girls themselves who have been debauched; their Superiors, of both sexes, who have allured [the girls] and permitted [these things], and who have, afterwards, contrived their murder, secretly, lest their crime should become known: besides other abominations [which they have associated] with the holy things of their religion - which abominations must be withheld.

Experientiae Spirituales 5457 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5457. De Prophanis ex variis religionibus, imprimis ex Romano Catholica

Colligebantur in unum prophani ex utroque sexu, et primum qui ex religione Catholica, et omnes illi qui crediderunt sancta religionis suae, et prophanarunt illa, sicut qui machinati sunt dolosas artes contra alios, quocunque modo, qui patrarunt nefaria extra et intra monasteria, qui puellas in monasteriis stupraverunt, et ipsae quae stupratae sunt, antistites earum ex utroque sexu, qui allectaverunt et permiserunt; et qui postea moliti neces earum in occultu, ne propalaretur facinus, praeter nefaria alia cum sanctis suae religionis, quae reticenda.

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