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《灵界经历》 第5458节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5458

5458. All such were collected into one group and hurled into a very deep and dark pit which opened in the center of the middle region, and [they] were hidden away there lest they appear. Those of both sexes were hurled into it and collected into the corner between the north and east.

5460. 1In addition those were sent there who had persuaded others to commit immoral acts, likewise using magical tricks; also those in the other life who said they were Christ, either He Himself or sent by Him, and spoke piously and with devotion, and under this guise arranged crimes. Very many like these were from the Catholic religion especially. The simple good can be led astray by them. I saw evil spirits as I had earlier in the western region, from the monasteries there, rarely from the northern [region].


1. Following the author's instruction we have inserted 5460כ60] 1/2.

[5460] 1/2. Later in that pit a foul smelling smoke was seen rising on high, as it were toward heaven, to a certain mountain there where those who were there had put a certain devil on the top, whom, using fantasy, they had clothed in white, and whom they called God the Father [5208] and worshiped. There were many like this, one after another, quite a great number, those who wanted to be worshiped in this way, 12, were rising toward it. They were all gathered into a one and were seen thrown out from the northern side toward the south, and thrown into the profane pit. Among them were some Jesuits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5458

5458. All such, gathered into one [group], were cast into an extremely deep and dark pit which was opened in the midst of the middle region, and there were hidden away lest they should appear. Thither these - of both sexes - were cast; and they were collected in the angle between the north and the east. 1


1. These asterisks are evidently intended to signify that no. 5460 should follow immediately after no. 5458. We have, therefore, placed it accordingly. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5458 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5458. Omnes tales in unum collecti, conjecti sunt in puteum profundissimum et tenebricosum qui aperiebatur in medio meditullii, et ibi absconditi, ne appareant, illuc conjecti sunt ex utroque sexu: et illi collecti sunt in angulo inter septentrionem et orientem.

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