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《灵界经历》 第5461节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5461

5461. 1About Swedes of the equestrian order 2, and about others of the Swedish nation

Certain ones appeared in the western region, a bit away from the center, toward the south, who had insignia on their chests and were girded and dressed in the starred sashes of an equestrian order, and I realized they were from those who had been part of the equestrian order in Sweden. Then I heard angels speaking about them, saying that they who were like this had changed the character they had previously; namely, that they think only about themselves, about their exalted position, their rank over others, and that as a result they direct all their thinking to themselves, and if to others around them, still it is so that they may respect, venerate and worship themselves above others on account of this type of insignia as they had. Thus all things of an inward nature are directed outwardly to themselves, while in earlier times that nation was not like this. They did not think about themselves from an external viewpoint, but from an internal one, so that now, by doing these types of things, they have become a people taken up with external things.

[2] They said that they were more deserving than others to govern others. So official offices were given to them; but when they were in a certain governing body and began to discuss matters that were incontrovertible, the angels realized that they were unable to speak from inner considerations and to see the matter within themselves, and from sound judgment to distinguish good and evil, but were able to speak only from memory, and so were unable to judge a thing other than from what pleases them. And this was so because they were now in such a Babylon, thinking about themselves and likewise about their eminence in the eyes of othersנand so far as this happens, so far there is an inner obscurity, and it becomes worthless. On account of this they were expelled from their offices and sent further away in the west; and they sought positions for themselves, but everywhere they came, people said to them that they thought only about themselves, not about others except from [the viewpoint of] outward sensory things, and not from understanding, like others, and that with them a sensory aura prevailed more than with others. On this account too they were not received. Finally they were sent into another place, where they did not find anyone to rule over. Eventually they are reduced to extremities, so that they beg for a pittance.


1. Following the author's instruction paragraphs 5460כ60] 1/2 are placed after 5458.

2. Lowest rank of Swedish nobility.

[5461] 1/2. There is also a certain one too who had been granted such an equestrian rank and insignia, he was called Lagerberg 1, with whom it is well, since he devoted his attention to his country's welfare and wished it well, and did not do so from pride as others did. When he saw them, he said that he learned about the same thing in himself, that as long as he had such insignia on, he could not think as before without being interrupted by thought about himself; even when he was at home and had such an equestrian cloak over his clothing. But when he laid aside this clothing, then he immediately returned to his own prior power of judgment and his prior attitude. On this account he decided that at home he would not put on such clothing, but only [wear it] when it was required in public.

mThose who are external and sensual reason and speak rather cleverly but from the memory, when regarding themselves, that is to say when attired in those sashes; but people who are internal do otherwise. The former do not see anything inwardly, but only from the memory.n

1. See footnoted information regarding him in paragraph 4683.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5461


Certain ones appeared in the western quarter, slightly removed from the middle part, towards the southern, who had badges on the front of the breast, and were girt and decked with the hands and stars of the Equestrian Order; 1and it was perceived that they were of those who have belonged to the Equestrian Order of Sweden. I then heard the angels saying, about them, that they were such as have changed their disposition which they previously had, namely, that they [now] thought only of themselves, of their dignity and of their preeminence over others, and, thus, that they determined all their thoughts to themselves; and, if to others around, still so that, on account of such badges, they regard, venerate and worship themselves more than others: thus, all [their] interiors are determined to themselves on external grounds; while, formerly, that nation was not of such a character. They did not think of self from external considerations but from internal; so that they have, now, by such means, become external men. They said that they deserved to be set over others more than others did; and therefore offices were given them. When, however, they were in a certain senate, and began deliberating about solid realities, it was perceived by the angels that they were not able to speak from interiors, or to see the things within themselves, or to discriminate good and evil, from judgment, but only to speak from the memory, and thus not to judge anything except on the ground of agreeableness; and this was because they were now in such a Babel, thinking of themselves, and also of their importance in the eyes of others; for as far as this occurs, so far interior obscurity supervenes, and [the disposition] also deteriorates. Wherefore, they were expelled from their offices, and sent far away into the west, that they might seek offices for themselves [there]; but, wherever they came, those there told them that they thought only about themselves and not about their duties, save from an external sensual ground, not from the understanding as others [did]; and that, the sensual sphere reigned more with them than with others; therefore, also, they were not received, but sent into other places, where they found none over whom they could rule. At last, they were reduced to extremities, so that they begged aims.

Those 2who are external and sensual, reason and speak cleverly, but only from the memory, when they regard themselves, or are [arrayed] in those badges; but internal men are different. The former, at that time, see nothing from internals, but only from the memory.


1. It was this "Order" that Swedenborg himself belonged to. -ED.

2. In the Latin Edition, this short paragraph is printed on the margin. -ED.

5461a. A certain one, also, called Lagerberg, on whom such Equestrian Order and badge was conferred, and with whom it is well, inasmuch as he has studied the good of the country and wished it well - not from pride as some others have done: he then saw these, and said that he discovered the same tendency in himself, viz., that when he had on the badge, he was not able to think as before he put it on, because he was then amongst those who were powerful from thought of self - and also when he was at home and had the Equestrian robe over his dress; but that, when he threw off that robe, then he immediately returned to his former judgment and his former disposition; wherefore, he gradually discontinued putting on such livery at home, and only [wore it] in public, because of the injunction.

Experientiae Spirituales 5461 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5461. 1

De Sveris ex equestri ordine, et de aliis ex Sverana gente 2

Apparebant quidam in occidentali plaga paulo remote a medio, versus meridionalem, qui insignia habebant ante pectus, et qui fasciis ex equestri ordine, et stellis, cincti et induti, et perceptum illos esse ex illis qui in equestri ordine fuerunt in Sveria, tunc audivi angelos de illis loquentes, quod illi qui tales mutaverint indolem suam quae illis prius, quod nempe solum cogitent de se, de sua dignitate, de eminentia prae aliis, et sic quod omnes cogitationes suas determinent in se, et si in alios circum, usque ut illi se inspiciant, venerentur et colant prae aliis propter talia insignia, ita determinantur extrinsecus omnia interiora ad se, cum prius gens illa non talis fuerat, non cogitavit ab externis sed ab internis de se, sic ut nunc per talia facti sint externi homines: dixerunt quod mereantur prae aliis praeesse aliis, quapropter data sunt illis munia, sed cum in quodam senatu essent, et inciperent consultare de rebus solidis, perceptum ab angelis, quod non potuerint loqui ex interioribus, et videre res intra se, et discernere bonum et malum ex judicio, sed solum loqui ex memoria, et sic non judicare res quam ex beneplacito, et hoc quia in tali Babel nunc erant, cogitantes de se et de sua eminentia etiam coram aliis, et quantum hoc fit tantum obscurum fit interius, et quoque vilescit, quapropter e muniis suis ejecti, et missi remotius in occidentem, et quaererent sibi munia, sed ubicunque venerunt, dixerunt illis quod modo cogitent de se, et non de illis, nisi ex sensuali externo, et non ex intellectu, ut alii, et quod apud illos sphaera sensualis prae aliis regnet, ideo quoque non recepti, tandem missi in loca alia, ubi nec invenerunt quibus praeessent, tandem ad incitas rediguntur, ut stipem quaerant.

[5461 1/[2]. Quidam etiam qui quoque tali ordine insigni equestri donatus, Lagerberg vocatus, cum quo bene est, quoniam bono patriae studuit bene voluit, nec ex fastu ut alii, ille tunc vidit eos dixit, quod in se idem compertus sit, quod quoties in tali insigni esset, non posset cogitare sicut prius, quin interpolatus ex cogitatione de se, etiam cum domi erat pallam equestrem haberet super sua veste, at cum abjiceret illam vestem, quod tunc statim redierit suum judicium prius suum priorem animum, quare decrevit ut domi non indueretur tali, sed solum propter mandatum in publico.


1. [5460 1/[2] invenias confirmiter auctoris indiciis post 5458 posita

2. Sidebar: Qui externi sensuales sunt solertius rtiocinantur loquunttur sed ex memoria, cum in se spectant seu in insignibus illis sunt, at interni I homines aliter; illi tunc non vident aliquid intus, sed modo ex memoria.

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