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《灵界经历》 第5460节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5460

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5460

5460. 1Thither also were sent those who have persuaded others to abominable deeds, also by magical arts; and those, too, who, in the other life, have declared that they are Christ, either that they are Himself or are sent by Him, and have spoken piously and devoutly, and, under that mask, have contrived crimes. There are very many of such a character, especially from the Catholic religion; the simple-good can be misled by them. Such were seen, first, [issuing] from the monasteries in the western quarter, not from the northern.


1. These asterisks are evidently intended to signify that no. 5460 should follow immediately after no. 5458. We have, therefore, placed it accordingly. -ED.

5460a. After this, there was seen in that pit a smoky vapor rising on high, as if towards heaven, to a certain mountain there, on the summit of which those who are there have placed a certain devil, whom by means of phantasy they clothed in white, whom they called God the Father, and to whom they offered adoration. There were many such [devils] one after another, to a very great number. Twelve, who wished to be thus worshipped, rose up thither: they were all collected into one [group], and were seen cast out of the northern side towards the west, and thrown into the profane pit. Among them were some Jesuits.

Experientiae Spirituales 5460 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5460. 1

Illuc quoque missi sunt, qui persuaserunt alios ad nefanda, etiam per artes magicas; etiam illi qui se in altera vita dixerunt esse Christum, vel esse Ipsum, vel missum ab Ipso, et loquuti sunt pie et devote, et sub ea specie moliti sunt facinus; tales perplures sunt imprimis ex Catholica religione; seduci ab illis possunt simplices boni, visi tales prius in occidentali plaga ex monasteriis ibi, raro ex septentrionali.

[5460 1/[2]. Postea visus in puteo illo fumus nidorosus assurgens in altum quasi versus coelum, montem quendam ibi, ubi illi qui ibi posuerunt in summitate quendam diabolum, quem ex phantasia induerunt albis, quem dixerunt Deum patrem [5208] adoraverunt, tales fuerunt plures unus post alterum, numerum satis magnum, qui ita coli voluerunt 12 assurgebant illuc, omnes illi collati sunt in unum visi ejici ex parte septentrionali versus occidentem conjici in puteum prophanum, inter illos fuerunt aliqui Jesuitae.


1. 5460 1/2 huc conformiter auctoris indiciis inseruimus

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