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《灵界经历》 第5465节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5465

5465. looking eastwards, in a certain desert place that ended in a forest, where they also wandered. They reduced certain ones to their own innate selves and drew them to themselves, among them some known to me in the world. But this was for the sake of controlling them, for they were without masters and so attacked each other dreadfully, as happens where there is no magistracy, no order, and no government. I was brought down there and it was a learned that such were there who had no fear of God, no concern for mankind, and so cared about no one. Consequently they were roused to such [actions] by the hells. The greater part was from the common people, who inwardly thought craftily and wickedly in the world. They were then visited, and when it was found out that they were like this, those who had been brought down there by their tricks of fantasy and magic were taken away from them. In the middle of that region a great cave that stretched into the deep was opened, and all who were there were hurled into it, and also all those who were in the forest were searched for and likewise hurled into it. There were many too who appeared at the edge of the forest on a higher place. They were those who knew something about God. Those who were nonetheless like the others were also thrown into the same cave. Note that all who are like this are gathered together to the same place. This is common in the other life. Thus those who were like this were gathered in the region there and in the forests. Those who were in the region knew how to hide themselves in certain underground chambers, also, as did those who were in the woods. But they were pulled out of them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5465

5465. [I was] looking to the east in a certain desert place which ended in a wood, where, also, some were wandering about. These drove certain ones into the proprium, and led them to self; and, amongst them, were some known to me in the world. But by reason of the fact that they were set over others - for they were without rulers - they, therefore, infested one another dreadfully; as happens where there is no magistrate and no order, or no government. I was conveyed to this place; and it was found that those there were such as had no fear of God nor regard for man, so that they cared for no one; this is how it was that they acted in such ways from the hells. The majority of them were of the common people, who, nevertheless, have thought craftily and wickedly within themselves in the world. Visitation was then made upon them; and, when it was proved that they were of such a character, those were taken from them, who, by the arts of phantasy and magic, brought them thither; and there was opened, in the middle region, a great cavern which reached into the depth; and into this were cast all who were there, and all those who were in the woods were also sought out, and cast thither likewise. There were, moreover, many who appeared upon a higher place at the end of the wood, who were such as knew something about God. Those who were yet like the rest, were also cast into the same cavern. It should be known that all such are conducted together to the same place - this is usual in the other life - thus, those who were such [were conducted] to the tract in that part, and into the woods. Those who were in that tract, knew how to hide themselves in certain subterranean vaults; also, those who were in the woods; but they were got out of them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5465 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5465. spectans ad orientem, in quodam loco deserto, qui terminabatur in sylvam, ubi quoque vagabantur; illi redigebant quosdam in suum proprium et adducebant ad se, et inter illos aliquos mihi notos in mundo, sed propter illam causam ut praeessent illis, nam erant absque dominatoribus, et ideo unus alterum dire infestabat, sicut fit ubi nullus magistratus, et nullus ordo, seu nullum regimen: illuc deductus sum, et compertum est, quod fuerunt ibi tales qui nullum timorem habebant pro Deo, nec respectum pro homine, sic ut neminem curaverint, inde in talia acti sunt ab infernis, plurima pars erat ex plebe, quae tamen intus astute et malitiose cogitaverunt in mundo; illi tunc visitati, et cum expertum quod tales essent, ab illis adempti sunt qui illuc deducti arte sua phantastica et magica, ac aperta est in medio tractu magna caverna, quae in profundum tendebat, et illuc conjecti omnes qui ibi, et quoque inquisiti omnes qui in sylvis, et quoque illuc conjecti sunt; erant etiam plures qui apparebant ad finem sylvae super editiori loco, qui fuerunt qui aliquid sciverunt de Deo, illi qui similes caeteris usque erant, quoque in idem antrum conjecti sunt. Sciendum quod omnes tales congregentur simul ad eundem locum, hoc commune est in altera vita, ita qui tales ad tractum ibi et in sylvas: sciebant illi qui in tractu se recondere in quibusdam subterraneis cryptis, etiam qui in sylvis, sed inde extracti sunt.

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