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《灵界经历》 第5466节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5466

5466. Besides this there were even more cunning spirits who could more craftily send spirits into their innate selves and lead them. They lived under the earth in a long row entirely in the extension of the corner between the west and south , the extension of a corner is said to go out from the center into the distance. 1ba is the South, bc the east, cd the north, da the west. 2The extension of the corner between west and south is kaf; this is called the extension of the corner. They live along this extension: on the western side men; on the southern side women who have been prostitutes; toward the central area those who had known something about the Divine, further away at f those who know nothing about the Divine. Their arrangement was like this, the men were on one side, the women on the other side. Where the women lived, a light like burning sulphur was seen. It came from the wanton nature they had in the world, for wantonness in women in the other life is seen this way when they are together. However, where the men lived there was darkness. I was also brought down to some place there and saw that they lived in their own rooms like the prostitutes but sat outside on chairs around the southern wall. Afterwards a visitation was a made to determine their nature, and it was learned that they were malicious, sly men, who through various tricks craftily drew men from other places and brought them to the women who then treated the men cruelly in various ways. It is said they did this stealthily by leading them into their innate nature, and in this way the women lead them away where they want, as shown earlier [5464]. Using their tricks these wickedly clever men are able to steal away even spirits whom others could not, which in fact happened with certain who were with me.


1. Hand drawing of a box with the four quarters, oriented with the south at the top.

2. Swedenborg does not give a reason for this unusual rotation of the quarters of the compass.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5466

5466. There were, moreover, still craftier ones who were more skilful in reducing others to their propriums and leading them. These dwelt under the earth in a long row, right in the extension of the angle between the west and south. From the middle-space into the far distance, is what is called the extension of the angle. 1

Ba is the south; bc, the east; cd, the north; da, the west. The extension of the angle between the west and south is eaf: this is what is called the extension of the angle. They dwelt along that extension; on the western side, men; on the southern side, women who have been harlots; towards the middle region, those who have known something about the Divine; further removed towards f, those who have known nothing about the Divine. They were thus arranged: consequently, the men were on one side and the women on the other. Where the women dwelt, there appeared a sulphurous brightness as it were, which was by reason of the lasciviousness in which they have been in the world; for lasciviousness, amongst women, so appears in the other life when they are together. But where the men dwelt, there was darkness. I was also led to a certain place there; and it was seen that they dwelt in their chambers like harlots, but, outside, sat upon seats about the southern wall. Afterwards, visitation was made to show of what quality they were; and it was found that the men, who were wicked and cunning, have, by various arts, stolen men from elsewhere and conveyed them to the women, who treated them cruelly in different ways. It is said that they stole them; and this happens when they lead them to their proprium, and thus carry them away whithersoever they will, according to the former showing. Those men, also, were able, by their wickedness and art, to lead away spirits whom others cannot - as, likewise, was done with certain who were with me.


1. Here is a drawing which is a rectangle with lines leading away at the corners.

Experientiae Spirituales 5466 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5466. Praeterea erant adhuc astutiores qui solertius adigere spiritus possent in sua propria, ac illos ducere, illi habitabant sub terra in longa serie prorsus in anguli extensione inter occidentem et meridiem, anguli extensio dicitur a meditullio usque in longum, 1

ba est meridies, bc oriens, cd septentrio, da occidens, extensio anguli inter occidentem et meridiem est kaf, hoc vocatur extensio anguli, secundum illam extensionem habitabant, a parte occidentali viri, a parte meridionali faeminae, quae fuerunt meretrices, versus meditullium qui aliquid de Divino noverunt, remotius versus f qui nihil de Divino, ita dispositi sunt, ita ab uno latere viri, ab altero faeminae. Ubi faeminae habitabant, apparebat lucidum sicut sulphureum, quod erat ex lascivo in quo fuerunt in mundo, nam lascivum apud faeminas ita in altera vita apparet, cum simul sunt; ubi autem viri habitabant, erat tenebrosum: deductus etiam sum ad aliquem locum ibi, et visum quod habitarent in cameris suis sicut meretrices, sed extus super scamnis, circum parietem meridionalem; postquam visitatum est quales illi essent, et compertum quod viri, qui malitiosi et astuti per varias artes furati sint viros aliunde, et deduxerint illos ad faeminas, quae tunc crudeliter illos tractabant variis modis dicitur quod furati sint, quod fit, cum inducant in proprium suum, et sic abducant quocunque volunt, secundum prius ostensa [5464], illi viri potuerant abducere malitia sua arte etiam spiritus quos alii non possunt, quod etiam factum cum quibusdam apud me -


1. Diagram

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