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《灵界经历》 第5469节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5469

5469. But because evil spirits who care nothing about the Divine can do nothing whatever by trick or fantasy unless they have together with them in their companies spirits who have knowledge of the Divine thus who know of some truths of faith, for this reason an inquiry was made regarding where spirits like this were who would give them assistance. And they were found above on a certain mountain above the center, toward the west. There was an enormous number of them, of both sexes, who were involved in similar wickedness and stole men by various tricks, fantasy, and magic, and led them into a cave in the western tract not far from the center, where it also appeared gleaming, and there they treated them cruelly in various ways. When this was learned, all these women, a great number, were then thrown into the sulphurous lake ae, and the men into the abyss c in front of it. All the women were adulteresses in the world, and the men adulterers and had enticed people in various ways to commit adulteries. However much they may have frequented churches and partaken of the Holy Supper, they were still such that they did not care about God or man; and in the other life they give themselves to tricks like this, in which they place the delight of their life. Those who are in the mountain were from various nationalities, some even from the Swedish nation.

[5469] 1/2. After some time the great part of them from these hells was transferred very far away in the west into other hells. These women were seen by others who were horrified, they were so monstrous, corpse-like, and filthy. They were seen by the last pope, and it was said that he had never seen anything more horrible. There were even some who had a connection with Rome, in a household I had no suspicions about. I spoke with that group.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5469

5469. Since, however, evil spirits who care nothing for the Divine, are able to effect nothing, by any art or phantasy whatsoever, except they have with them spirits who know the Divine, thus who have known some of the truths of faith, it was therefore inquired where such ones were as might bear them aid; and they were found in a certain mountain above, over the middle-space, towards the west. There was there a vast multitude, of both sexes, of such as have been in the like wickedness, and stolen men by various arts, phantastical and magical, and led them into the cavern in the western region, at no great distance from the middle-space - where, also, the brightness appeared - and there barbarously entreated them in various ways. When this was discovered, then, all those women, to a great number, who were in the cavern, were cast into the sulphurous lake, ae [Fig. 9], 1and the men into the anterior abyss: all the women were adulteresses in the world, and the men adulterers, and, in various ways, enticed to adulteries. These, howsoever they may have frequented churches and participated in the Holy Supper, still are such that they care neither for God nor men; and, in the other life, they abandon themselves to such arts - in which they place the delight of their life. Those who [were] in the mountain were of various nations; some of them, also, of the Swedish. -


1. Figure 9 is a square with the four directions noted on the sides, with south being on the top. A line extends from the upper right corner away from the square, and at the end are three parallel areas.

5469a. After some time, a great part of them were transferred from those hells, an exceedingly great distance in the west, to other hells. They were seen by others, who were horror-struck - they were so monstrous, corpse-like and vile. They were seen by the last pope; and it was said that he never saw anything more horrible. [I saw] also among them, in a house, some who had been nuns; of [one of] whom nothing such was suspected. I spoke with her.

Experientiae Spirituales 5469 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5469. Sed quia mali spiritus qui nihil curant Divinum, nihil possunt facere quacunque arte et phantasia, nisi secum in societate habeant spiritus qui sciant Divinum, ita qui aliqua vera fidei norunt, propterea inquisitum ubi tales essent, qui auxilia illis ferrent, ac inventi sunt supra in monte quodam supra meditullium versus occidentem, ibi ingens numerus talium erat, ex utroque sexu, qui simili malitia fuerunt, ac furati viros arte varia, phantastica et magica, ac duxerunt illos in antrum in occidentali tractu non procul a meditullio, ubi etiam apparebat lucidum, et ibi tractabant illos saeve variis modis, cum hoc compertum est, tunc omnes illae faeminae ad magnum numerum, conjectae sunt in stagnum sulphureum ae, et viri in abyssum anteriorem c, fuerunt omnes in mundo adulterae, et viri adulteri, et allectarunt variis modis ad adulteria, utcunque templa frequentarunt, et obiverunt sanctam coenam, usque sunt tales ut nec curent Deum nec homines, et in altera vita se dedunt artibus talibus, in quibus jucundum vitae suae ponunt. Hi qui in monte, fuerunt ex variis gentibus, etiam aliqui ex Sverana.

[5[469] 1/2. Post aliquot tempus translata est multa pars ex illis infernis remotissime in occidente in inferna alia, sunt visae aliis, qui horruerunt, tam monstrosae, cadaverosae immundae erant, visae sunt a pontifice ultimo dictum quod horribilius non viderit, aliquas etiam inter illas quae Romae fuerant, in domo de qua nihil tale suspicatus, loquutus cum illa.

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