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《灵界经历》 第5506节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5506

5506. About purgings generally

Purgings take place in three or 4 or 5 ways:

1. ) By a spirit being taken back into his own life. And then those who joined with him are exposed, likewise also those who joined with him in the world: for they are taken away from him and thrown into hells or other places؛there is a purging] provided they are taken away. As a result the spirit's life is gradually diminished as he is let into his own loves or into his own principles.

2. ) They are taken around, going in a circle, from right to left, so that if in the west they go to the south, from there to the east, and then to the north to the previous place; and then those who are of the same nature as the spirits in those places are exposed and are taken away, and in the degree they are taken away, there is a purging.

3. ) They are also taken around, and those who have associated themselves with him are turned away and thus estranged as to intentions; and they separate themselves. In this way too his life is diminished.

4. ) And also, they are carried around, and all who act as one with his evils are thrown into another [hell], and when they are together there, they are taken away from him, just as clothing from the body, and as a result communication, arousal, and his life in it comes to an end.

5. ) A general purging takes place through punishments, which happen as often as he tries to do evil do another. The punishments are severe in proportion to the evils, and frequent in proportion to his persistence.

6. ) A spirit who cannot be purged in this manner is thrown into the hells of the foolish, dumb, and stupid, or into hells that suffocate the outward life, the inward continuing on.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5506


Vastations occur in three, four, or even five ways:

(1) by the person being let into his life; and then they are detected who make one with him, and thus who made one with him in the world. These are taken away from him and cast into hells, or into other places; but they are taken away. Hence, his life is gradually diminished, as he is let into his loves or into his principles.

(2) They are borne around, - which takes place in a circular course, from right to left. If, for example, they are in the west, [they proceed] to the south, afterwards to the east, then to the north, and to their former place; and, then, those are discovered who are of a like character, and are taken away; and, so far as these are taken away, so far the persons are vastated

(3) These are also borne around; and those who have conjoined themselves with the one undergoing the vastation, are turned with their back towards him, and thus estranged from him as to disposition. They also separate themselves; and thus, likewise, his life is lessened.

(4) These, also, are borne around, too; and all who make one with the evils belonging to them are cast into another place. When also they are together there, they are taken away from him, like a shirt from the body; and thus perishes communication, excitation, and his life therein.

(5) General vastation takes place through punishments, which occur as often as the subject of the vastation tries to do evil to another. The punishments are severe according to the nature of the evil, and frequent according to the persistence in it.

(6) He who cannot be vastated thus, is cast into the hells of the foolish, of the dumb and of the stupid, or into hells which suffocate the external life - the internal life remaining.

Experientiae Spirituales 5506 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5506. De devastationibus in genere

Devastationes fiunt tribus vel 4 vel 5 modis,

1) per id quod mittatur in vitam suam, et tunc deteguntur qui unum faciunt cum illo, ita quoque qui unum in mundo, illi enim auferuntur ei, et conjiciuntur in inferna vel in alia loca, modo auferantur, inde diminuitur per gradus vita ejus, sicut immittitur in suos amores aut in sua principia.

2) Circumferuntur quod fit in circulum, a dextro ad sinistrum, ut si in occidente in meridiem, dein orientem, tum septentrionem ad priorem locum suum, et tunc deteguntur qui tales, et auferuntur, et quantum auferuntur tantum devastatio.

3) Circumferuntur etiam, et illi qui conjunxerunt se cum illo, retro vertuntur, et sic abalienantur quoad animum, et separant se, ita quoque diminuitur vita ejus.

4) Et quoque circumferuntur, et omnes qui una agunt cum ejus malis conjiciuntur in alium, et cum ibi sunt simul, auferuntur ab illo, sicut indusium a corpore, et sic perit communicatio, excitatio, et ejus vita in eo.

5) Communis vastatio fit per punitiones, quae fiunt quoties malum alteri facere tentat, punitiones sunt graves secundum mala, et frequentes secundum contumaciam.

6) Qui non ita vastari potest, conjicitur in inferna fatua, muta, hebetia, vel in inferna quae externam vitam suffocant, manente interna.

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