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《灵界经历》 第5508节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5508

5508. Purgings take place in all varieties, first inward things and then successively more outward ones, finally to outermost ones, and when this point has been reached, it is done. Purgings have to do with loves and consequently with all kinds of desires. The process's succession from the innermosts to the outermosts of the mind appears in the body in succession from the head to the heel of the foot, and the progression is also felt accordingly in the body, and its final stage in the sole of the foot. Spirits also know that when it has come there, it is all over. The reason 1this is the case is that all the inner things in a human being close in the last and lowest things in the body, and this happens progressively from the head to the sole of the foot. Or rather, each successive degree of every single passion has its lowest termination in the body. It comes from this also that when the things a person did in the world are called out of the person, they then proceed from the head to the arms, to the chest, to the limbs, and on to the last and lowest things of the feet. All things are as it were inscribed there, for they are arranged in a person in this manner, because the entire inward part of a person is as it were a human being. It interacts correspondingly with all things in the person. It is as a result of this that the whole person from head to heel is the person's love.


1. At this point in the hand margin appears "N.B"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5508

5508. Vastations take place with all variety; first, interiors, and successively exteriors, even to extremes; and when these are reached, the thing is accomplished. Vastations are of the loves and of all the cupidities thence arising. The succession, from the inmosts to the outermost of the mind, appears in the body, from the head, to the heel of the foot, successively; and, likewise, the progression is so felt in the body, and last of all in the sole of the foot. Spirits know, also, that, when it has reached thereto, it is completed. The reason that it is so, 1is because all man's interiors close in his ultimate in the body; and this, progressively, from the head to the sole; indeed, whatever the degree of succession of every single cupidity, it has its ultimate determination in the body. Hence, also this is the case when those things are called forth from a man which he did in the world: then, they advance from the head, to the arms, to the breast, to the loins, even to the ultimates of the feet, as if all things were written in that; for so, in man, are they arranged in order. In fact, the whole internal of man is like a man: it corresponds also to all things with man. Hence it is that the whole man, from head to heel, is his love.


1. Marginal note: "N. B."

Experientiae Spirituales 5508 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5508. Vastationes fiunt cum omni varietate, primum interiora et successive exteriora, usque ad extima, et cum ad haec perventum est, actum est; vastationes sunt amorum et inde omnium cupiditatum; successio ab intimis ad extima animi apparet in corpore successive a capite ad calcem pedis, et quoque sentitur progressio ita in corpore, et ultimum in planta pedis, sciunt quoque spiritus quod cum illuc perventum est, actum sit: 1

causa quod ita sit, est quia omnia interiora hominis desinunt in sua ultima in corpore, et hoc progressive a capite ad plantam, imo quilibet gradus successionis cujusvis cupiditatis habet suum ultimum determinatum in corpore, inde quoque est [quod] cum evocantur ex homine quae fecerat in mundo, tunc progrediantur a capite ad brachia, ad pectus, ad lumbos, usque ad pedum ultima, quasi ibi essent inscripta omnia, sunt enim sic in homine ordinata; nam omne internum hominis est sicut homo, correspondet etiam omnibus apud hominem, inde est quod totus homo a capite ad calcem sit suus amor.


1. Sidebar: NB.

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