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《灵界经历》 第5517节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5517

5517. I spoke with them somewhat about the Lord. They said that they were waiting for instruction and that they love to know truths. I said to them that those who have acknowledged one God in the Human form and have lived a good life are the ones who can be educated and enlightened, since they have an affection for truths because goodness of life desires nothing more than truths, for it desires to know how one must live well. They feel joy when they are instructed. And I said that all who were like this receive truth from the Lord and are enlightened according to the quality and quantity of the goodness of their life. They acknowledged this and felt joy. And after this I also heard that a great number of spirits and angels who have been given instruction about the Divine truths from the heavenly Doctrine were sent there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5517

5517. I spoke somewhat with them about the Lord. They said that they are looking for information, and that they love to know truths. I told them that those who have acknowledged one God under the Human form, and have lived a life of good, are the ones who are able to be instructed and illustrated, since these are in the affection of truth; for good of life desires nothing more than it does truth, for it desires to know how to live well: hence those rejoice when they are instructed: also, that all such receive truth from the Lord, and are illustrated, according to the kind and amount of their good of life. They acknowledged this and rejoiced; and, afterwards, I also heard that a great number of spirits and angels who are instructed in Divine truths from the heavenly Doctrine, were sent thither.

Experientiae Spirituales 5517 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5517. Domino, dixerunt quod exspectent informationem, et quod ament scire vera, dixi illis, quod qui agnoverunt Deum unum sub Humana forma, et vixerunt vitam boni, quod illi sint qui possunt informari et illustrari, quoniam illi in affectione veri sunt, bonum enim vitae nihil plus desiderat quam verum, nam desiderat scire quomodo bene vivendum, inde gaudent cum informantur, et quod omnes tales recipiant verum a Domino ac illustrentur secundum quale et quantum boni vitae eorum, hoc agnoverunt, et laetati sunt: et postea etiam audivi quod numerus magnus spirituum et angelorum qui instructi sunt de veris Divinis ex Doctrina coelesti illuc missi sint.

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