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《灵界经历》 第5516节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5516

5516. Now I was led to the Africans, first by way of the north, then of the west, because they dwell in the west at a distance from the middle toward the corner of the north there. And first I came to a certain palace like one of stone on earth, where some were. And after that I went further, and stopped there. Then I heard an enormous number from the middle, that is, from the seminary, sent out to the people who were afar off, and when it was made possible to communicate, it was gathered that they were Africans, and those there were those who had lived well according to their religion, acknowledged one God, and acknowledge Him in Human form.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5516

5516. I was now led down to the Africans, first, by a northerly, after by a westerly way - for they dwell in the west far removed from the midst, towards the northern angle there; and, at first, I came to a certain palace, like one of stone on earth, where some people were; and, after that, farther on where I halted, and heard then a vast number [who had been] sent forth from the midst, or from the college, 1to the nations which were at a distance; and, communication being granted, it was discovered that those nations were Africans, and that they were there who have lived well according to their religious belief, and acknowledged one God, and Him under the Human form.


1. See n. 5505. -Ed

Experientiae Spirituales 5516 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5516. Nunc deductus sum ad Africanos, per viam primum septentrionalem dein occidentalem, habitant enim in occidente remote a medio versus angulum septentrionis ibi, et primum veni ad quoddam palatium simile saxeo in terra, ubi aliqui erant, et postea ulterius, ubi substiti, et audivi tunc ingentem numerum emitti e medio seu e seminario ad gentes quae e longinquo erant, et communicatione data compertum est quod essent Africani, et ibi illi qui vixerunt bene secundum religiosum suum, et agnoverunt unum Deum, ac Ipsum sub Humana forma; loquutus aliquid cum illis de

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