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《灵界经历》 第5531节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5531

5531. It should be known besides that when spirits who are not yet purged turn themselves around, they are not seen at all by the rest but as it were disappear from view. The evil in the spiritual world know this by virtue of the fact that they make themselves invisible. Disagreements of love and of thought make the same thing happen.

Also, those who do not agree on a matter do not see their houses or anything of their dwellings. These disappear immediately although they are there. The reason is that their minds are in one place and their loves in another. Consequently in a city there are many who do not appear, many who reappear, likewise their houses. The evil can go up into the mountains, where heaven is, and see absolutely nothing at all there, as if the mountains were void of people, when nevertheless they are full. The cause of this is the disagreement of loves: where the loves are, there the inward elements turn; therefore they do not see these things.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5531

5531. It ought further to be known, that, when spirits not yet vastated turn themselves about, they do not at all appear to the rest, but as it were vanish out of sight. This the evil in the world of spirits know, and thereby make themselves invisible. Disagreement of love and of thought produces the like result.

Likewise, those who do not agree with them do not see their homes, or anything belonging to their dwellings. They instantly cease to appear, although they are there. The reason is, because the mind of these is elsewhere, and their love elsewhere. Hence, there are many in a town who are not seen, and many who do thus appear: likewise their houses. The evil are able to ascend the mountains where heaven is and see nothing at all there, as if the mountains were destitute of men, when, nevertheless, they are full. The cause is disagreement of loves; and, where the loves are, thither they turn their interiors; and, therefore, they do not see those things.

Experientiae Spirituales 5531 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5531. Porro sciendum, quod cum spiritus nondum vastati se convertunt, quod reliquis prorsus non appareant, sed quod quasi dispareant e visu, hoc sciunt mali in mundo spirituum per quod se invisibiles faciant, dissensus amoris ac cogitationis simile facit. Etiam qui non consentiunt una non vident eorum domos, et aliquid ex habitationibus eorum, evanescunt illico, tametsi ibi sunt, causa est quia mens eorum alibi est, et amor eorum alibi, inde in urbe multi sunt qui non apparent, multi qui iterum apparent, etiam domus eorum, possunt mali ascendere montes, ubi coelum, et prorsus nihil ibi videre, sicut quod montes absque hominibus essent, cum tamen pleni, causa est dissensus amorum, et ubi amores illuc vertunt interiora sua, ac ideo non vident illa.

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