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《灵界经历》 第5530节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5530

5530. The evil in the world of spirits all communicate with the hells, but variously depending on the kind of evil and falsity firmly established by their life. And the good communicate with heavens similarly, depending on what is good and true with them. And in the case of the latter the evil qualities are successively separated, but in case of the former the good qualities are removed. When the evil come into hell, they immediately adopt the falsities that come from their own evil and become confirmed in them. When the good come into the heavens, they adopt their own truths that come from goodness and become confirmed in them to eternity.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5530

5530. The evil in the world of spirits, all communicate with the hells, but in different ways according to the kind of evil and falsity they have confirmed by the life; and the good communicate with the heavens, in like manner according to their goods and truths; and, with the latter, evils are successively removed, but, with the former, goods. When the evil come into hell, they instantly put on the falses of their evil, and are confirmed in them; [when] the good come into the heavens, they put on their own truths. The good, also, are confirmed in these truths to eternity.

Experientiae Spirituales 5530 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5530. Mali in mundo spirituum communicant omnes cum infernis, sed varie secundum genus mali et falsi confirmatorum per vitam; et boni communicant cum coelis similiter secundum sua bona et vera, et apud hos mala successive separantur, at apud illos bona; mali cum in infernum veniunt illico induunt falsa sui mali, et confirmantur in illis; boni in coelis induunt sua vera boni et confirmantur in illis in aeternum.

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