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《灵界经历》 第5533节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5533

5533. There were those who when they become priests do read the Word and know it but yet don't care about it other than to be able to preach from it, since it is accepted as the source of sermons. Besides this they don't care about it at all or consider it holy, and they apply nothing from it to their own life. They study it only to be advanced to higher positions or for the purpose of profit, which are what they love. So it is that their inner self is entirely closed toward heaven, and their outer open to the world. Certain ones can pretend, and using flattery get themselves into societies of simple good spirits. These spirits nevertheless believe them to be altogether good and better than they themselves because they can preach. Others [do so] in other ways.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5533

5533. They were [such] as, when they become priests, and even read the Word and know it, yet care nothing more for it than that they may preach therefrom - since it is assumed that preachings [must be] from it. Besides, they care nothing for it, nor hold it as holy, and apply nothing from it to their life; they only apply themselves to it so that they may be advanced to higher posts, or with the aim of gain, which are their loves. Consequently, their internal is entirely closed up towards heaven, and the external open to the world. Some are able to dissimulate, and introduce themselves, by flatteries, into societies of the simple-good, who believe them to be only good, and better than themselves, because they are able to preach. Others [effect such things] differently.

Experientiae Spirituales 5533 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5533. Erant qui cum sacerdotes fiunt, quidem legunt Verbum, ac sciunt id, at usque non plus curant id quam ut praedicent ex illo, quoniam receptum ut inde praedicationes, praeterea nihil curant id, nec sanctum id habent, et nihil ex illo applicant vitae suae, student modo in illo, ut evehantur ad altiora, aut ob lucrum, quae illis amores sunt; sic internum eorum prorsus occlusum est versus coelum, et externum patet ad mundum: quidam possunt simulare, et per assentationes se inferre in societates simplicium bonorum, qui tamen modo credunt esse bonos et meliores illis quia possunt praedicare, alii aliter.

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