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《灵界经历》 第5534节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5534

5534. What these are like can be can be judged by the crowd that followed them, the number of which was enormous. The crowd that also was thrown out of the mountains, hills, and rocks, from the center, where those were who had the Word and had been able to be enlightened and receive spiritual life, were all those who had lived only a natural life, and, in so far as they had lived in societies, a civil life, and then as a consequence also an apparently moral life. They had gone to churches, they had heard sermons, they had taken the sacrament of the Supper, but still had had no inward restraints. For when they had contemplated and desired evil and also done it, they had never thought that this was a sin, thus against God and the neighbor, but only abstained from doing it on account of outer restraints, which are the fears of the law, of opposition, of loss of profit, and of honor and reputation. All these have no conscience, thus no spiritual life, but only natural and civil life. But a person who does not have spiritual life has no communication with heaven but is shut out from it. For when outer [bonds] are taken away, they are carried off without restraint into every crime.

[2] Nor can they be withheld by heaven since they are without any communication [with it], and in whatever way the Lord flows in through heaven, still nothing is received from there. That this is their nature cannot be known by anyone from their civil life and consequent moral and Christian appearance, but by the Lord alone, and because they are not Christians and so do not have life, they cannot be together with the societies of heaven in which there is heaven's life. They themselves can know whether they were like this in the world simply from this question: had they thought in themselves that this is a sin, thus against God and the neighbor, or against the Divine precepts, thus against the Word and Doctrine? Had they really thought in this way themselves and not simply said so with their mouth? For many speak in this manner with their mouth but do not think in this way, they have no conscience or anything of heaven in themselves, only the world. They fear their magistrates and not God. They go back from the churches, the preaching, and the holy supper to being entirely as they were before. For them it is something they regard as an obligation because this is what must be done.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5534

5534. Of what quality these are may appear from the crew which followed them, the number of which was immense; which crew, also, was cast out of the mountains, hills and rocks in the midst, where are those who had the Word and were able to be illustrated and to receive spiritual life. All these were such as in the world have lived a merely natural life, and, so far as they lived in societies, a civil life, which thence has also appeared moral. They have attended churches, listened to the preachings, partaken of the sacrament of the Supper; but (inasmuch as they have had no interior bonds, in fact have thought and willed evil and also done it) have never thought that such and such a thing is sin and thus against God and the neighbor, but have abstained from doing it only on account of external bonds, which are fears on account of the law, of opposition, of the loss of profit, honor and reputation - these have all had no conscience thus not any spiritual life but only natural and civil; and he who has no spiritual life has no communication with heaven, but is shut out from it; for, when externals are taken away, such ones are carried off without restraint to every crime, nor can they be withheld therefrom by heaven, since they are without communication therewith; and, howsoever the Lord may inflow through heaven, still nothing is received from that. That they are such, cannot, owing to their civil, and thence apparently moral and Christian life, be known by anyone, but only by the Lord. And, because they are not Christians, therefore neither [spiritually] alive, they cannot be together with the societies of heaven, with whom is the life of heaven. They are able to know in the world whether they were of such a character, from the sole consideration whether they have thought in themselves, This is a sin, thus against God and the neighbor, or, against the Divine precepts, and therefore against the Word and doctrine, whether they have so thought in themselves, and not only so said with the mouth; for many speak thus with the mouth, but in themselves do not so think. These latter have no conscience, neither anything of heaven in themselves - only the world. They fear their magistrates and not God. They return from churches, preaching and the Holy supper just as they were before. This is, they reckoned, their duty, because it ought so to be done.

Experientiae Spirituales 5534 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5534. Quales hi sint, constare potest ex turba quae illos sequuta est, cujus ingens numerus fuit; turba quae etiam ejecta est e montibus, collibus et petris, e medio, ubi illi qui habebant Verbum, et potuerunt illustrari, ac spiritualem vitam recipere, omnes illi erant qui modo naturalem vitam vixerunt, et quatenus in societatibus civilem, et quoque inde apparentem moralem, frequentarunt templa, audiverunt praedicationes, obierunt sacramentum coenae, sed usque interiora vincula nulla habuerunt, nam cum malum cogitaverunt et voluerunt, et quoque fecerunt, nusquam cogitaverunt quod hoc peccatum sit, ita contra Deum et proximum, sed modo a faciendo illa abstinuerunt propter vincula externa quae sunt timores pro lege, pro resistentia, pro jactura lucri, honoris et famae, illi omnes non conscientiam habuerunt, ita non aliquam vitam spiritualem, sed modo naturalem et civilem; et qui non vitam spiritualem habet, is non communicationem habet cum coelo, sed exclusus est ab Illo, nam cum externa auferuntur, auferuntur absque vinculo in omne nefas, nec possunt inde arceri a coelo, quoniam absque communicatione; ac utcunque Dominus per coelum influeret, usque nihil inde recipitur; quod tales sint, ex civili vita et apparente inde morali et Christiana non cognosci possunt ab ullo, sed solum a Domino, et quia non Christiani, ita nec vivi, non possunt simul esse cum societatibus coeli, quibus coeli vita est, ipsi in mundo cognoscere possunt, num tales fuerunt, solum ex eo, num cogitaverint in se quod hoc peccatum sit, ita contra Deum et proximum, aut contra praecepta Divina, ita contra Verbum et Doctrinam, si ita cogitaverunt in se, et non ore solum ita dixerint - nam multi ore ita dicunt, sed in se non ita cogitant - illi non conscientiam habent, nec aliquid coeli in se, solum mundum, timent magistratus suos, et non Deum; e templis, praedicatione, et sacra coena redeunt prorsus sicut prius, haec illis debitum reputatum quia ita faciendum.

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