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《灵界经历》 第5535节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5535

5535. All who were like this, amounting to an enormous number, were thrown out of the Christian world. Now they are being thrown out from the middle, most towards the west into uninhabited places there where they wander and dwell in huts, that is to say, together, under magistrates who hold them in control by means of penalties and various fears. They have been thrown out of the Christian world because they are not Christians.

5535. 1/2. They are also examined in this way: they are brought into their usual state of life and at this point they turn themselves to the west, and when they turn to the east, they jump back to the west as when a spring is twisted around and jumps back, for to be turned westward is to be turned to the world, eastward to heaven. Certain ones also turn themselves to the east when they think about this because they then put themselves into a counterfeit holy state. But yet that counterfeit is apparent because the angels are then scrutinizing their inward elements, which turn themselves there, and not their outward ones. For these with them then face in the opposite direction. The ruling love, which is the will, still is the stronger.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5535

5535. All such, to an immense number, were cast out from the Christian region this time, out of the middle; the majority towards the west, in desert places there, where they wander and dwell together in their own huts, under magistrates who hold them in bonds by punishments and various fears. They were cast out from the Christian region because they are not truly Christians.

5535a. They were also explored, by being let into the general state of their life and turning themselves to the west; and, when to the east, still they spring back to the west, like as when a spring is twisted back and recoils; for, at the west one is turned to the world, at the east, to heaven. Some, also, turn themselves to the east when they think of it. They do not then put themselves into any simulated holy state; but this is apparent; for angels then look at their interiors, which turn of their own accord, and not at the exteriors; for the latter, with them, are then struggling in a contrary direction. The ruling love, which is the world, constantly prevails.

Experientiae Spirituales 5535 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5535. Omnes tales ad ingentem numerum ejecti sunt e Christiano orbe, e medio nunc, plerique versus occidentem in loca deserta ibi, ubi vagantur et in mapaliis seu simul habitant, sub magistratibus, qui illos in vinculis tenent per poenas et varios timores, ejecti sunt e Christiano orbe, quia non Christiani sunt.

[5[535] 1/2. Explorantur etiam per id, quod mittantur in statum vitae suae communem quod tunc vertant se occidentem cum orientem, usque resiliant occidentem sicut cum tendo retorquetur resilit, nam occidentem verti est mundum, orientem coelum: quidam etiam se vertunt orientem, cum cogitant de eo, tunc enim mittunt se in statum aliquem simulatorium, sanctum, sed hoc usque apparet, angeli enim spectant tunc interiora eorum quae eo se vertunt non exteriora, nam haec cum illis in contrario versu tunc sunt: regnans amor qui est voluntas usque praevalet.

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