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《灵界经历》 第5541节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5541

5541. Those who were sent down asked me what [in the doctrine] has to be done, whether everything in it must be, adding that they could never do this. I was given to tell them that it is not unpleasant and difficult, since its only purpose is that they live sincerely both in their work and outside their work, with everyone and everything, because if they do otherwise it is a sin, against God and against the neighbor. They said that they want to do this, namely, live sincerely and think in this way. But when examined they did not want to do this since they wanted to use fraud, trickery, and deception against others for the sake of themselves and also wanted to harm them in various ways which they did not regard as evils, on which account they were sent down. For to live sincerely includes all things like this, so they must not steal, not commit adultery, not inflict harm, not defraud, and they must do all the rest of the things pertaining to charity toward the neighbor. And it was found that no one could live sincerely for the sake of God and the neighbor except one who is a Christian as to the way he lives, and that no one can do this who is a Christian only as to faith.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5541

5541. Those who were let down inquired of me how much must be done, whether all the things which are in that doctrine; adding, that they could by no means do this. It was granted me to tell them that it is not grievous and difficult; since it only intends that a man should live sincerely, both in his calling and outside his calling, with everyone, and in every matter, because if he does otherwise it is sin, that is, against God and against the neighbor. They said that they wish this, namely, to live sincerely and to think in that way: but, on examination [it was found] they did not wish this, inasmuch as they desired [to act] with fraud, cunning, and deceit against others for the sake of themselves, and also to injure them in many ways; which things they did not reckon to be evils. Wherefore, they were sent away; for to live sincerely includes all such things: as, for example, that one ought not to steal, not to commit adultery, not to injure, not to cheat, and all other things of the doctrine of charity towards the neighbor. It was also found that no one is able to live sincerely for the sake of God and the neighbor, except he who is Christian as to life, and not he who is so only as to faith.

Experientiae Spirituales 5541 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5541. Quaerebant me illi qui demissi, quid faciendum, num omnia quae inibi, et quod hoc nequaquam facere possint, dicere illis datum est, quod non gravis sit et difficilis, quoniam modo vult, quod sincere vivendum tam in functione quam extra functionem cum quocunque et quacunque re, quia si aliter est peccatum, hoc est contra Deum et contra proximum, dixerunt quod hoc velint nempe sincere vivere, et id cogitare, sed examinati non voluerunt, quoniam fraude, astu et dolo uti vellent contra alios propter se, et quoque illos laedere multis modis, quae non reputarunt 77 mala esse, quapropter demissi; nam sincere vivere includit omnia talia, ut quod non furandum, non adulterandum, non laedendum, non defraudandum, et omnia reliquae doctrinae charitatis erga proximum, et compertum quod nemo sincere vivere propter Deum et proximum posset, nisi qui quoad vitam Christianus, et quod nullus qui solum quoad fidem.

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