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《灵界经历》 第5540节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5540

5540. Continuation

I was in a state of sadness, but I didn't know why. Then I heard that an enormous number were sent down from heaven toward lower regions. When it was asked why, it was said that they were those who rejoiced that they have heavenly doctrine, saying that they want to accept it because they believe all that is in it, many even perceiving that it was all true. But as soon as they heard that this doctrine was not the doctrine of faith alone, consequently that the things in it must not only be known and acknowledged, but were matters of life, that they must be willed and done and that doctrine does nothing for those who only know and affirm but only for those who at the same time act, for these love it from the heart and embrace it, then they were saddened and they all rejected it, not wanting it. This is what brought sadness on me.

And from there they were sent down into the lower regions toward the north, where there is little communication with heaven. Nonetheless there was still some communication.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5540


I was in a state of sadness, but did not know the cause. I then heard that a vast number was being let down out of heaven towards the lower places. The reason having been sought out, it was said that they were those who rejoiced that they possess heavenly doctrine, saying that they wished to embrace it because they believe all things which are in it. Many, also, perceived that those things were truths. But, as soon as they heard that that doctrine was not only a doctrine of faith, thus that the things which were therein were not only to be known and acknowledged, but that it was a doctrine of life, and the things in it were to be willed and done - also, that doctrine effects nothing with those who merely know and affirm it, but only with those who at the same time do it; for these, from the heart, love it and embrace it - then, they because sorrowful, and all rejected it, not wanting it. Hence was my sadness; and hence were they sent down into the lower place towards the north, where there was little communication with heaven, but yet where was some communication.

Experientiae Spirituales 5540 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5540. Continuatio

Eram in statu tristi, sed causam non novi, audivi tunc quod ingens numerus e coelo demitteretur versus inferiora, quaesita causa dicebatur quod essent illi qui gavisi sunt quod habeant doctrinam coelestem, dicentes quod velint recipere illam, quia credunt omnia quae inibi, plures etiam perceperunt quod essent vera; sed ut primum audiverunt quod doctrina illa non esset solum doctrina fidei, ita quod quae inibi non modo scienda et agnoscenda, sed quod esset vitae, quod volenda et facienda, et quod doctrina nihil faciat apud illos qui modo sciunt et affirmant, sed qui simul faciunt, nam hi ex corde amant illam, et recipiunt illam, tunc tristes facti, et omnes rejecerunt illam, non volentes illam, inde mihi tristitia, et inde illi demissi sunt in inferiora versus septentrionem, ubi pauca communicatio cum coelo; usque tamen ubi aliqua communicatio.

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