5544. This was not a visitation, for these things had often preceded, but it was a matter of orderly arrangement. For in the middle are the best; in the peripheral regions those who are good, by degrees toward the east those who have a clear perception of what is good, to the west those who have a dim perception of what is good; those to the south are those who have clear perception of what is true, those to the north who have a dim at perception of what is true.
5544. This was not a visitation, for that had often happened before, but an arranging in order; for, in the middle are the best sort, and at the boundaries are the good according to the degree of their good: towards the east also are those who are in the clearness of good; those at the west are they who are in the obscurity of good; those at the south, they who are in the clearness of truth; those at the north, they who are in the obscurity of truth.
5544. Hoc non fuit visitatio, nam illa praecesserat saepe, sed dispositio in ordinem; nam in medio est optimum, ad circumferentias sunt boni secundum gradus; et versus orientem qui in claro boni, qui ad occidentem qui in obscuro boni, qui ad meridiem qui in claro veri, qui ad septentrionem qui in obscuro veri.