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《灵界经历》 第5545节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5545

5545. Note. In the prefaces to the doctrine it is said that there are many things there that are matters to be understood for the reason that angels have understanding when they have wisdom and intelligence; and that it is the person's faculty of understanding that is enlightened by the Lord when he or she reads the Word. Nothing comes directly. The intellect exists for the purpose of receiving the truths that pertain to faith, and the will exists for the purpose of receiving the good qualities that pertain to love. And it was said that 1without such a faculty of understanding, a decision as to what is true could never be made, since on the basis of the Word's literal sense one can draw the conclusion that whatever one proposes to oneself is the truth, as for example that there is fury in Jehovah and it burns down to hell as said in David, 2and that He rejoices to do evil just as He had rejoiced to do good, Deut. 28:63, and so in very many other places. This is the reason that [in the literal sense] there are things that are to be understood also.


1. At this point in the hand margin appears "N.B"

2. Perhaps a mistake for Moses; cf. De Verbo 12, where the same is said.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5545

5545. Observe: that, in the prefaces to the doctrine, it is to be said that many intellectual things are therein; for the reason that angels are in the intellectual [degree] when they are in wisdom and intelligence; likewise, that with the man who is enlightened by the Lord when he reads the Word, nothing of understanding comes immediately; - the intellect, also, is for the reception of the truths which are of faith, and the will for the reception of the goods which are of love; and that, without such intellectual [degree], a decision could not be arrived at 1as to what is true, since, from the sense of the letter of the Word everyone is able to conclude that that is true which he proposes to himself; as, for example, that there is fury with Jehovah and that it burns even to hell, 2in David; also, that He rejoices to do evil, while He also rejoiced to do good - Deut. 28:63. So in very many other places. This is the reason that there are also intellectual things in that doctrine.


1. In the margin: "N.B."

2. A passage to this effect is Deut. 32:22. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5545 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5545. Obs. quod in praemissis ad doctrinam dicatur, quod intellectualia plura ibi sint, ex causa quia angeli in intellectuali sunt cum in sapientia et intelligentia, et quod intellectus apud hominem sit qui illustratur a Domino cum legit Verbum, nihil venit immediate, et intellectus est ad recipiendum vera quae fidei, et voluntas ad recipiendum bona quae amoris; et quod absque tali intellectuali nusquam fieri possit decisio, quid verum, 1

quoniam quisque ex sensu literae Verbi concludere potest, quod verum sit quod sibi proponit, sicut pro exemplo, quod Jehovae sit furor et quod ardescat usque ad infernum apud Davidem, 2

et quod laetetur facere malum sicut laetatus est ad faciendum bonum, Deut. XXVIII: 63, ita in perpluribus aliis, haec causa quod intellectualia etiam ibi sint.


1. Sidebar: NB.

2. forte erronee pro Mosen; cf. Deut. XXXII: 22, De Verbo XII, ubi similiter

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