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《灵界经历》 第5547节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5547

5547. About heaven in general and its levels

There are heavens one over another, and there is communication between them. Spirits and angels do not know how they intercommunicate and are joined together, except those who are in the highest heaven. There are seven levels of them, because in general they are divided between angels who are of an inward nature and who are of an outward nature. The inward are those who are called heavenly, and the outward are those who are called spiritual. The inward are divided into three, and the outward into three, and between the inward and the outward there are intermediaries for the sake of conjunction. These are called heavenly-spiritual. Thus it is that there are seven levels.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5547


There are heavens above heavens, and communication between them. Spirits and angels do not know how the case is with the communication and conjunction, except those who are in the highest heaven. There are seven degrees of these, distinguished, in general, between those who are internal and those who are external. Those who are internal are called celestial, and those who are external are called spiritual. The internal are distinguished into three, and the external into three; and, between the internal ones and the external ones is given a medium for the sake of conjunction. The ones who constitute the medium are called celestial-spiritual. Hence it is that there are seven degrees.

Experientiae Spirituales 5547 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5547. De coelo in communi et de ejus gradibus

Sunt coeli supra coelos, et communicatio inter illos, spiritus et angeli non sciunt quomodo cum communicatione illorum et conjunctione se habet, praeter illi qui in supremo coelo sunt; sunt septem gradus eorum, nam in communi distinguuntur inter illos qui interni sunt et externi, interni sunt qui vocantur coelestes, et externi qui spirituales, interni distincti sunt in tres, et externi in tres, et inter internos et externos dantur medii conjunctionis causa, illi dicuntur coelestes spirituales, inde est, quod sint septem gradus.

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