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《灵界经历》 第5546节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5546

5546. About heaven from heaven

Those who are in the heavens live there just as they did on earth. Those who lived in separate groups, that is, divided into tribes, families, and households, as did the most ancients on our Earth, live the same there. Those who lived under monarchs and in cities live the same there, but still in the cities they are also divided by tribe, family, and household, thus by relationships in their order, 1although by relationships of truth coming from good, which are spiritual relationships. Those who are in such a relationship recognize themselves at first sight, entirely like relations by blood or marriage on earth. They are as it were acquainted with them although they had never seen them before.


1. At this point in the hand margin appears "N.B"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5546


They who are in the heavens live there as they have done on the earths. Those who lived apart, or distinct, according to tribes, families, and houses, as the Most Ancients in our earth, live there also in like manner; and those who live under monarchies and in towns, live similarly there; but, still, these are also distinguished, in the towns, according to nations, families and houses, thus, according to relationships in their order - but, according to the relationships of truth from good, which are spiritual relationships. 1Those who are in spiritual relationships, there, know each other at first sight, exactly as if they had been kinsfolk and relatives on earth. They are like intimates, although they have never seen each other before


1. In the margin: "N.B."

Experientiae Spirituales 5546 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5546. De coelo e coelo

Qui in coelis sunt vivunt ibi sicut in terris, qui vixerunt separati seu distincti in gentes, familias et domos, ut antiquissimi in nostra Tellure, illi quoque similiter ibi vivunt; qui vivunt sub imperiis et in urbibus, similiter ibi vivunt, sed usque distincti etiam in urbibus secundum gentes, familias et domos, 1

ita secundum affinitates in suo ordine, sed secundum affinitates veri ex bono, quae sunt affinitates spirituales, qui in affinitate ibi sunt, se cognoscunt ad primum visum, prorsus sicut consanguinei et affines in terra, sunt illis sicut noti tametsi nusquam se prius viderunt.


1. Sidebar: NB.

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