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《灵界经历》 第5549节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5549

5549. The angels who are in the spiritual heaven do not have inward things but outward ones. This outward nature is also divided into three parts, namely inner, middle and outer. This outer level, which approximates outward sensation in the world, is at rest. They live on the middle level as to thinking and awareness. The inner level is for them as it were the soul. They do in fact have an inward level which is above, but this is closed. There is communication with them through the heavenly-spiritual heaven, across the heavenly. This is the reason that spiritual angels have a natural internal.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5549

5549. The angels who are in the spiritual heaven, are not in internals but in externals. That external also is tripartite, namely, into internal, middle and external. The external, which approaches towards the external sensual in the world, is quiescent In the middle degree, they live, as to thought and observation. The internal is like a soul to them. They indeed have the internal which is above, but it is shut up. The communication [of the Lord] with these occurs through the celestial-spiritual heaven, across the celestial. Hence it is that spiritual angels are in the internal of the natural.

Experientiae Spirituales 5549 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5549. Angeli qui in coelo spirituali non in internis sunt, sed in externis, externum id etiam tripartitum est, nempe in internum, medium, et externum; externum quod accedit ad 80 sensuale externum in mundo quiescit, in medio vivunt quoad cogitationem et apperceptionem, internum est illis sicut anima: est quidem illis internum quod supra, sed hoc occlusum est, fit communicatio cum illis per coeleste spirituale coelum, trans coeleste; inde est quod angeli spirituales in interno naturali sint.

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