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《灵界经历》 第5553节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5553

5553. Consequently, so that the Divine might rule all things in heaven and on earth from Itself, which is done through all things, through first and last things simultaneously, the Lord therefore came into the world and took on the human and rose with it to the furthest point, as He Himself also taught the disciples [Luke 24:39]. For thus He was able [while] in the world to subjugate the hells, and thus afterwards rule the heavens and the earths, and not otherwise. For mankind had gone entirely away from heavenly things into the lowest things, with the result that the foundation had begun to perish.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5553

5553. In order, therefore, that the Divine might rule all things, both in the heavens and on the earths, from Itself; which happens through all things, through firsts and at the same time through lasts - to this end, the Lord came into the world and put on the human, and rose with the human even to the ultimates, as also He taught the disciples; for thus He was able in the world to subjugate the hells, and, so, afterwards, to rule the heavens and earths, and no otherwise; for, at that time, man had entirely withdrawn from the heavens into [his] ultimates; so that, then, the foundation began to perish.

Experientiae Spirituales 5553 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5553. Ut itaque Divinum regeret omnia tam in coelis quam in terris ex se, quod fit per omnia, per prima et simul ultima, ideo Dominus in mundum venit, et assumsit humanum, et cum humano usque ad ultima resurrexit, sicut Ipse quoque docet discipulos [Luc. XXIV: 39], sic enim in mundo potuit subjugare inferna, et sic postea regere coelos et terras et non aliter, nam homo tunc prorsus recessit in ultimis a coelis, sic ut tunc perire inceperit fundamentum.

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