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《灵界经历》 第5554节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5554

5554. The conversation of the heavenly angels

So that I could understand how they speak, an example was granted. I became aware of a particular woman loving her husband but being held back by others by conversations, at times persuasive conversations and other ways of fettering the feelings, which is accomplished by restraining [them from action], by subtly introducing other feelings and by hindering communication. By substituting other feelings they flowed into outward things more powerfully. She, when these were removed, openly loved her husband very strongly, kissing and embracing him. Then I said that this is quite like a bowstring or spring, which when drawn still strives to spring back. This is called effort or endeavor. The spring in [human] hearts lies in the endeavor, and realizes nothing of the act until the restraints are removed. In a person this endeavor is called the will, for the will is a living endeavor. For all things in a living being are given different names and classed under a different species when nevertheless it is the same life that is flowing into the organs or basic forms. And I said that whatever a person wills is present in his endeavor, and when the things in the way are removed, it becomes action. That which is in the human will is the person's love because the will itself is the person's love.

[2] Consequently, so far as a person's love is restrained, which is done for various reasons, which are called impossibilities, and also by other outer and intermediate loves, so far the person does not act. This is the case in all things and each thing of nature, in the universe as regards atmospheres, in the vegetable Kingdom in regard to all and each one, in the animal kingdom as regards all and each one, in man as regards all and each one. As a result there is equilibrium productive causes from purposive ends, and effects from the causes. Such in the highest sense is the Lord's love of saving the human race, of giving them wisdom and happiness. The obstacles lie with man and his loves.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5554


In order that I might understand the speech of these, one example was granted me. I perceived that a certain woman loved her husband, but was restrained by others, through speech, [from doing so openly]; sometimes, persuasive [speech] which merely aimed at fettering the affections of others - which occurs by restraining [them], by insinuating other affections, by hindering communication, by substituting others who inflowed more powerfully into the exteriors. When those were removed, she openly loved her husband very demonstratively; kissing and embracing him. Then I said that the case here was like that of a bow-string, or spring, which, though held back, still strives to re-bound: this is called its conatus [or effort]. The essential of a spring is in the effort; nor does it know anything of act, before the fastenings are brought together. In man, it is called will; for will is living effort - for all things in the living subject are named differently and exist under a different guise, while yet it is the same: only into organic, or substantial forms, life inflows. That which any man wills, he is in the effort of; and, when obstacles are removed, it becomes act. This, which is in the human will, is his love; for the will itself is his love. Hence, so far as anyone's love is held back, which happens through various causes which are called impossibilities, and also through other loves, outward and intermediate, so far it does not act. Thus it is in all things and every single thing of nature - in the universe, as regards the atmospheres; in the vegetable kingdom, as regards all and everyone of the things therein; in the animal kingdom as regards all and everyone of the things in it; in man, as to all and everyone of the things in him. Hence are equilibrium, efficient causes from ends, and effects from causes. Inwardly in the supreme sense [of the Word], is the Lord's love of saving the human race, and of giving them wisdom and happiness: the obstacles are with man and his loves.

Experientiae Spirituales 5554 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5554. Loquela angelorum coelestium

Ut intelligerem eorum loquelam, datum est per exemplum, percepi quandam amare maritum suum, sed retinebatur ab aliis per loquelas, quandoque persuasivas et modos alios vinciendi affectiones, quod fit detinendo, insinuando alias, et impediendo communicationem, substituendo alias qui fortius in exteriori influerent; illa, iis remotis aperte multa potentia amabat maritum suum, osculando, et amplectendo, tunc dixi quod hoc ita se habeat sicut tendo seu elater, qui retentus usque nititur resilire, hoc vocatur conatus, elater cordium est in conatu, nec scit quicquam de actu, priusquam auferuntur retinacula, in homine id vocatur voluntas, nam voluntas est conatus vivus, nam omnia in vivo aliter nominantur et sub alia specie, cum tamen eodem modo vita influat in organicis vel substantialibus, quod quicquid homo vult sit in conatu ejus, et cum removentur obstantia fit actus, hoc quod in voluntate humana est ejus amor, nam ipsa voluntas est suus amor, inde quantum amor alicujus detinetur, quod fit per varias causas, quae vocantur impossibilia, et quoque per alios amores extus et intermedios, tantum non agit: ita se habet in omnibus et singulis naturae, in universo quoad atmosphaeras, in Regno vegetabili quoad omnia et singula, in regno animali quoad omnia et singula, in homine quoad omnia et singula, inde aequilibrium, causae efficientes ex finibus, et effectus ex causis, talis in supremo sensu est amor Domini salvandi genus humanum, illis dandi sapientiam et felicitatem, obstantia sunt apud hominem et ejus amores.

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