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《灵界经历》 第5555节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5555

5555. These things were expressed by words and mental images, and were noticed by those who are spiritual and by those who are heavenly. Those who were spiritual grasped them well and with a delight that came from understanding. But those of a heavenly nature did not do so until it came from a spiritual mental image into their mental image, which is more inward and nevertheless founded on a spiritual mental image. It is more general, thinking obscurely about such inflow and the resulting act, or about such a state and the resulting act, as if they thought only in general about such a state of all things taken together, and then the gestures of their bodies and faces behaved in the same manner, and they displayed it with all the motions of their body and also with the expression and fire in their eyes.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5555

5555. These things were expressed through words and ideas, and observed by spiritual and celestial angels. The spiritual understood these well, and with delight, because they are intelligences; but the celestials did not do so before something from a spiritual idea came into their idea - which is interior, and yet founded upon the spiritual idea. It is more general - thinking obscurely of such influx and consequent action, or of such state and consequent act. They thought, as it were, only in a general way of such state of all in the complex; and then the gestures of the body and of the face acted in like manner; and they showed this through the motions of all parts of the body, and also by the expressions and flashings of the eyes.

Experientiae Spirituales 5555 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5555. Haec per voces et ideas expressa sunt, et animadversa a spiritualibus et coelestibus, spirituales haec capiebant bene et cum delectatione quae intelligentiae, at coelestes non ita, priusquam ab idea spirituali veniebat in eorum ideam, quae interior est et tamen fundata super idea spirituali, est communior, cogitans obscure de tali influxu et inde actu, seu de tali statu et inde actu, sicut cogitarent solum in communi de statu tali omnium in complexu, et tunc gestus corporum et facierum eorum agebant similiter, et hoc ostendebant per omnium corporis motiones et quoque per vultus et ignes oculorum.

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