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《灵界经历》 第5566节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5566

5566. [numbered by Tr.] All angels both heavenly and spiritual are perfected to eternity in regard to wisdom, but still they cannot be perfected to any degree so that any ratio exists between their wisdom and the Divine wisdom of the Lord, because the Divine wisdom of the Lord is infinite, and there is no ratio between what is finite and what is infinite.

[5566] 1/2. The details of thought's mental images flow from the love's affections, like light from flame, so that it can be said that understanding arises from the light produced from the will's affection as flame in the details. It is perceived in heaven that this is how it is and that understanding derives its origin from the Lord as a sun, which is love, and from the light from it, which is Divine Truth, and from the fact that the Lord is present in His details, as well as in what is general in respect to these.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5566

5566. All angels, both celestial and spiritual, are perfected, as regards wisdom, to eternity; but, still, they cannot be perfected to any such degree that there is any proportion between their wisdom and the Divine wisdom of the Lord, because the Divine wisdom of the Lord is infinite; and there exists no proportion between infinite and finite.

5566a. That everyone of the ideas of thought flows from the affections which belong to the love, as light from flame, so that it can be said that the understanding is the production of light from the affection of the will as flame, in every single respect - this was perceived, in heaven, to be so. [It was perceived], too, that it originates from the Lord as the sun, who is Love, and from the light thence issuing, which is their Divine; also, from the fact that the Lord dwells in every single thing of theirs; likewise, in the circumstance that it, [namely, thought,] is relatively general.

Experientiae Spirituales 5566 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5566. Omnes angeli tam coelestes quam spirituales perficiuntur quoad sapientiam in aeternum, sed usque non possunt perfici ad aliquem gradum, ut sit aliqua ratio inter eorum sapientiam ac Divinam Domini, quia Divina Domini est infinita; et ratio inter finitum et infinitum non datur. [5566] . Quod singula cogitationis ideae fluant ex affectionibus quae amoris, sicut lux a flamma, sic ut dici possit quod intellectus sit lucis [quae] producatur ex affectione voluntatis ut flamma in singulis, hoc in coelo perceptum quod ita quod originem ducat ex Domino ut sole qui est amor ex luce inde quae est Divinum Verum ex eo quod Dominus in singulis suis insit, etiam in hoc, quod est commune respective.

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