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《灵界经历》 第5567节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5567

5567. The wicked Babylonian crowd

Those of this crowd who have put on holiness in outward matters and by doing so have convinced the common people that they are more holy than the rest and yet inwardly have believed that heaven is under their control and thus that they have power over human souls and also have convinced the common people of this and thereby taken possession of their minds, and also stripped them of their possessions, those of them who have believed nothing and have done such things out of deceitfulness, these in the other life devise wicked tricks, and commit similar crimes in different ways. They are at the back in the western region on a certain, not very high mountain; and another kind of them are on a mountain nearer the north.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5567


Those of the Babylonish crew who have displayed holiness in external matters, and thereby persuaded the vulgar that they were holier than the rest of men, and nevertheless have inwardly in themselves believed that they possess heaven and thus have a right over the souls of men, and have also persuaded the vulgar of this, and thereby ensnared their souls and deprived them of their possessions; - those of them who have believed nothing, and have done such things from deceit - these, in the other life, devise abominable arts and achieve the like things in a different way. They are behind, in the western quarter, upon a certain not very high mountain; and another kind of them upon a mountain nearer to the north.

Experientiae Spirituales 5567 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5567. De nefanda Babylonica turba

Illi ex turba Babylonica qui sanctum in externis praetulerunt, et persuaserunt vulgo per id quod sancti essent prae reliquis, et tamen intus in se crediderunt se possidere coelum, et sic jus habere in animas hominum, et quoque id persuaserunt vulgo, et per id captarunt eorum animos, ac deprivaverunt eos suis possessionibus, illi eorum qui nihil crediderunt, et talia ex dolo fecerunt, illi in altera vita nefandas artes excogitant, et similia alio modo patrant, sunt a tergo in plaga occidentali super quodam monte non alto, et aliud genus eorum super monte propius ad septentrionem.

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