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《灵界经历》 第5574节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5574

5574. From their life in the world it was given to know what those who become demons are like in the world, namely, that they remain fixed on their own thoughts, partly from their solitary life in itself (that is, from its delight), from sad twists of fate then mixed in with this, and from constant thought about them then. As a result they can be in one thought for a long time and be held in it and not roam in different directions as those can who are happy and have a variety of thoughts and who did not have great sadness because they were able to be stay fixed on one thought for a long time. That spirit was like this. Finally they become such that they think what they think, no matter what anyone else says. And [a person like this] does not fall into doubt as a result of anything but continues to hold to his own idea of the thing about which others are speaking and learns nothing from them, not attending to other's reasons except to say that this is not the case and that those arguments are invalid. As a result of this he is not dependent on others in anything whatever. Authority makes no difference, nor does a reputation for learning in spiritual and rational matters. So he is ever thinking in opposition to another who speaks differently from him.

[2] Those who are like this become demons; and they direct whomever are spiritual in their own way of thinking, for the spiritual are bent this way and that in agreement with various things, those who are rational in agreement with reasons, those who were not rational in agreement with the established reputation of another's sincerity, doctrine, and learning. People like this become demons and control others in the other life continually through the endless line of their own thought and chiefly their [listenersӝ affections, which are the inward elements of thought, for they have self-love more than others and are affected by their own thoughts and love these. As a result of this, the affections produced by love continually accompany those things by which the thoughts of all are controlled.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5574

5574. From the life of these ones in the world, it was permitted me to know of what quality they are in the world who become genii, that, namely, they remain firm in their own thoughts, partly owing to solitary life in themselves - that is, from the delight thereof; from sad lots then intermingled; and from continuous thought about them at the time. Hence they were able to be in one thought a long time, and to be kept [in it]; and not to fluctuate, like those who are in joy, and in variety, and with whom there is no sadness. It was chiefly through this that they were able to remain long steadfast in thinking about one matter. Such was that one. They at length become such that they say what they think, however another speaks; nor does [such a one] fall into doubts through any considerations, but holds himself continually in his own idea of a matter about which others are speaking, and abandons nothing thereof; not attending to the reasons of others any otherwise than [to say] that it is not so, and that their reasons are worthless; so that he does not rely upon others in any matter whatsoever. He makes nothing of authority, or the reputation of learning in spiritual and rational things. Thus he is in continuous thinking against any other who speaks differently from himself. They who are such become genii, and lead any who are of the spiritual [genius] by their thought; for the spiritual are bent hither and thither according to various things: the rational, according, to reasons; the non-rational, according to the accepted opinion about the sincerity, doctrine, and learning of another. Such ones become genii, and rule others, in the other life, constantly, by means of their closely consecutive thoughts; and especially through the affections belonging to the others - which are the interiors of the thought. For these are in self-love beyond others, and are affected by their own thoughts, and love them. Hence the affections which are of love, [belonging to others,] by means of which the thoughts of all are ruled, follow [them] instantly.

Experientiae Spirituales 5574 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5574. Ex vita eorum in mundo scire dabatur quales sunt in mundo qui genii fiunt, quod nempe inhaereant cogitationibus suis, partim ex vita solitaria in se, hoc est, ex jucundo ejus, ex tristibus fatis intermixtis tunc, et ex cogitatione continua tunc de illis, inde in una cogitatione diu possunt esse, et teneri, et non divagari sicut illi qui in laetitia sunt, et in varietate, et quibus non tristia maxima per id quod inhaerere diu potuerint cogitationi de una re; ille fuit talis. Illi tandem fiunt tales, quod cogitent quod cogitant, utcunque alter loquitur, nec cadit [talis] per aliqua in dubia, sed se tenet continue in sua idea de re, de qua loquuntur alii, et nihil inde discedit, non attendendo ad rationes aliorum, quam sic quod non ita sit, et quod illae non valeant, sic non dependeat ab aliis in quacunque re, autoritas nihil facit, et fama eruditionis in spiritualibus et rationalibus, ita continue cogitando contra alium qui aliter loquitur quam ipse, illi qui tales sunt, fiunt genii, et ducunt quoscunque spirituales sua cogitatione, nam spirituales flectuntur huc illuc secundum varia, rationales secundum rationes, non rationales secundum aucupatam famam de alterius sinceritate, doctrina et eruditione. Tales fiunt genii, et regunt alios in altera vita per suas cogitationes continuas continue, et praecipue affectiones eorum, quae sunt interiora cogitationis, nam in amore sui sunt prae aliis, et afficiuntur suis cogitationibus, et amant illas, inde affectiones quae amoris jugiter comitantur, per quas reguntur omnium cogitationes.

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