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《灵界经历》 第5576节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5576

5576. However, demons, on the contrary, are opposed to the flesh and the heart, so most of them become like bones, or rather like ossifying flesh and cartilaginous; for they are utterly opposed to what is good in the greatest and least things, so that there is not anything whole, they are opposed to what is a truly human will. In their own hells they are first seen as flitting inconspicuously. One flees from another because he cannot bear the aura of another's thought, for there is a perpetual collision. Consequently they make themselves invisible. Anyone who does not think the same way as another becomes invisible to the other in the other life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5576

5576. The genii, however, are, on the contrary, opposite to the flesh and heart; thus, the bulk of them become as it were bones, or as it were ossifying, cartilaginifying flesh; for they are so entirely opposed to good, in greatest and least things, that there is no soundness in them: they are opposite to the truly human voluntary faculty. In their hells, they at first appear like scarcely visible flying things. They flee from one another, because one is not able to bear the sphere of another's thoughts; for there is perpetual collision. Hence, they make themselves invisible. He who does not think similarly to another in the other life, is invisible to the other.

Experientiae Spirituales 5576 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5576. Genii autem e contrario sunt contra carnem, et cor, ita fiunt plerique eorum sicut ossa, seu sicut caro ossescens, et cartilaginescens, nam totum quantum contra bonum sunt, in maximis et minimis, sic ut non aliquid integrum, contra voluntarium vere humanum, in infernis suis primum apparent sicut volitantes non conspicui, fugit unus alterum, quia non sustinet unus alterius cogitationis sphaeram, est enim perpetua collisio, inde invisibiles se sistunt, qui non simile cogitat cum altero fit invisibilis alteri, in altera vita.

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