5584. What all numbers signify, consequently, comes from the heavenly kingdom. But this is from a higher origin than can be described in a few words. From there come numbers in the Word like 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to 12 and so on. I have seen things written composed of numbers alone sent from there, but the numbers are written differently there; [the details of their thought] fall into a natural calculation.
5584. What all numbers signify, therefore, comes also from the celestial kingdom; but it is from a loftier origin than can be described in a few words. Hence [is the signification] of the numbers in the Word; as, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, to 12, and so forth. I saw writings of numbers alone sent thence; but the numbers are there differently written: they fall in the natural sphere [according to the methods of calculation].
5584. Omnes numeri inde quoque ex coelesti regno, quid significant venit, sed hoc ex altiori origine, quam ut posset paucis describi, inde numeri in Verbo, ut 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ad 12 et sic porro, vidi scripturas ex solis numeris inde missas, sed numeri ibi aliter scribuntur, cadunt [singula cogitationis eorum] 1
in calculum 2
1. haec verba in ms. ob paginae lacerationem valde incerta sed vide indicem ad Numerus
2. vide annotationem mox supra