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《灵界经历》 第5583节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5583

5583. I also realized where writing like this comes from, namely, that it follows the form of heaven which is like this, and about which many things could be said but not now. The heavenly angels know perfectly what corresponds, as for example, what the correspondences are of the degrees of turnings to this or that quarter, and they know this from an implanted knowledge because the [quarters] are derived from the form of heaven. This is the source of writing and many other things. That they know that this is true without being taught, see Jer. 31:33, 34. I am at liberty to relate something remarkable about a similar matter. When the angels see a spirit below them walking, they then immediately see from the path he is walking and its curves back and forth what his nature is and what he is thinking, for he is moving in accord with the form of his thought, and they draw a conclusion from the form. From this I was able to be shown that the curving of the writings is according to the form of heaven. Walking in accord with the heavenly form and writing in accord with heavenly writing are things no one can learn artificially; if anyone learns something artificially, that person immediately departs from heaven and is recognized immediately, especially one who is walking, and this is recognized from the direction of his face when his feet are going a different direction.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5583

5583. Whence such writing is, was also perceived, that, namely, it is according to the form of heaven, which is of such a nature; about which many things can be said, but not now. - Celestial angels know perfectly what corresponds, as, in what way good proceeds to this or that quarter; and this from ingrafted knowledge, because they are led by the form of heaven. Hence is their writing, and many other things; so that they know what is true without teaching (Jeremiah 31:33-34). It is permitted me to relate a certain marvel about a like matter. When angels see any spirit walking below them, then they instantly perceive, from the path in which he is walking, and the bendings of the path hither and thither, of what quality he is, and what he is thinking; whether he is going according to that form in which his thought is: also, from the form they draw their conclusion. Thence it might be manifest to me that the inflections of the writings are according to the form of heaven. To walk according to the heavenly form, and to write according to the heavenly writing, nobody can learn by art. If anyone should learn something of it by art, he would immediately withdraw from heaven, and also would be instantly detected; especially one who is walking; and this, from the set of his face, even when his feet go differently.

Experientiae Spirituales 5583 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5583. Unde talis scriptura etiam perceptum est, quod nempe sit secundum formam coeli, quae talis est, de qua plura dici possunt, sed non nunc. Sciunt perfecte angeli coelestes, quid correspondeat, ut quid [correspondentia] graduum versionum, ad hanc aut illam plagam, et hoc ex insita scientia, quia ducuntur a forma coeli, inde scriptura, et plura; quod verum sciant absque doctrina, Jer. XXXI: 33, 34, 34. Aliquid mirum referre licet de re simili, angeli cum vident aliquem spiritum infra se ambulantem, tunc illico percipiunt ex ejus ambulationis via et viae flexura huc illuc qualis est, et quid cogitat, nam it secundum formam illam, in qua est cogitatio ejus, et ex forma concludunt; inde constare mihi potuit, quod scriptionum inflexiones sint secundum formam coeli. Ambulare secundum formam coelestem, et scribere secundum scripturam coelestem, nemo potest arte discere, si quis arte aliquid discit, recedit e coelo statim, et quoque cognoscitur statim, praecipue qui ambulat, et hoc ex determinatione faciei ejus cum pedes vadunt aliter.

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