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《灵界经历》 第5593节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5593

5593. Using this speech of mental images and of affections, one spirit cannot converse with another if they do not have similar truths and similar affections stemming from the truths, for a collision immediately occurs, and indeed of such a nature that depending on their concepts and affections, the one is obliged to withdraw from the other. Those who are in a different religion are entirely unable to converse with one another; and angels likewise are entirely unable to converse with spirits of hell. This kind of speech is very beautiful in heaven because it comes from the whole angel and from all things in them down to the very least, because angels are their own good and their own truth. So the speech is such as is the angel's form. They make one. It is the speech of the love and true caring there in heaven. In hell it is the speech of hatred and revenge, or of the delight of adultery, which is entirely external without any internal. There are few who have this [angelic] manner of speaking, because it exerts an influence opposed to [their nature] and because few in the world have thought rationally and spiritually from truths and goods themselves.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5593

5593. One spirit is not able to hold conversation with another by means of that speech from ideas and affections, if they are not in like truths and in like affections from truths. For collision immediately occurs, and, indeed, of such a nature that the one must needs be carried away by the other, according to the ideas and their affections. Those who are of differing religion cannot [converse together] at all; neither angels with infernals at all. Such speech is most beautiful in heaven, because it proceeds from the whole angel and from all and every single one of those things which constitute him; because an angel is his own truth and his own good: thus, the speech is of such a form as belongs to angels. They make one. There, is the speech of love and charity. In hell, is the speech of hatred and spite, or the delight of adultery; and this is altogether external without anything internal. Few are in this speech, because there is contrariety: also for the reason that few in the world have thought rationally and spiritually, from truths and goods themselves.

Experientiae Spirituales 5593 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5593. Per loquelam illam ex ideis et ex affectionibus non potest unus spiritus cum altero conversari, si non in similibus veris et in similibus affectionibus ex veris sunt, nam illico fit collisio, et quidem talis ut unus auferri debeat ab altero secundum ideas et earum affectiones; prorsus non qui in diversa religione sunt; et prorsus non angeli cum infernalibus: talis loquela est pulcherrima in coelo quia ex toto angelo et ex omnibus et singulis ejus, quia angelus est suum verum et suum bonum, ita est loquela talis qualis forma est angelis, unum faciunt, est loquela amoris et charitatis ibi, in inferno loquela odii et vindictae, aut jucundi adulterii, quae prorsus est externa absque aliquo interno; in hac loquela pauci sunt, quia contranisus est, etiam ex ea causa, quia pauci in mundo cogitaverunt rationaliter et spiritualiter ex ipsis veris et bonis.

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