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《灵界经历》 第5594节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5594

5594. Using this inaudible speech of mental images, I have often spoken with angels and also with others and was then able to express even material things without words simply by thinking about them, whether they were things, persons, or places. I have thought about things of a simply factual nature, and they immediately knew everything about them. I thought about unnamed people, and they immediately knew. I thought about places, cities and kingdoms, and they immediately knew because at that moment all the things that I have known about them are together simultaneously, and then the spirits think they know them as well as I do. There is this kind of communication. But the places and people are presented visibly in particular regions according to the corresponding state at the time.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5594

5594. I have frequently spoken with angels by means of that tacit speech of ideas, and also with others; and, then, I was able to express even material things without words, by only thinking about them - whether they are facts, or persons, or places. I have thought about merely scientific matters, and they have immediately known all about them; about persons, without the name, and they have known instantly; about places, towns and kingdoms, and they have at once known, because then, all the things which I have known about them are together; and the spirits then suppose that they know them as perfectly as I. Such is the communication. But places and persons are presented in certain quarters, according to the corresponding states at the time.

Experientiae Spirituales 5594 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5594. Per loquelam idearum tacitam loquutus saepe cum angelis et quoque aliis, et tunc exprimere potui etiam materialia absque vocibus, modo cogitando de illis sive res sint, sive personae, sive loca, cogitavi de rebus modo scientificis, et noverunt illico omnia de quibus, de personis absque nomine et sciverunt illico, de locis, urbibus et regnis, et sciverunt illico, quia tunc omnia quae scivi de illis simul sunt, et tunc spiritus putant se scire tam bene quam ego, est talis communicatio; sed loca et personae sistuntur ad certas plagas secundum status correspondentes tunc.

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