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《灵界经历》 第560节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 560

560. Those who were with me saw horses, then said that many such are to be found with them, but they are in the forests, and they fear them greatly. Even though they do no harm, there is nevertheless a certain ingrained fear of them. The cause of this lies in the fact that horses portray knowledge, and that it was personal knowledge, or knowledge [obtained by] the senses, consequently pertaining to the body, self, and the world, that had led the most ancient Church astray and caused the fall - the same thing as is meant by the tree of knowledge, which led them astray [Gen. 3:6]. Herein lies the cause of the fear of horses, and from this it follows that they should not learn sciences, for thus their understanding is darkened and blinded, and thus the loves of self and of the world begin to dominate, which originate from and reign in darkness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 560

560. When those who were with me saw horses they said that many such were to be found with them, but they are in the forests; and although they do no harm they were very much afraid of them, indeed, a certain fear of them is implanted. The latent cause of this fear is that horses represent the sciences, and that the sciences of particulars, or of the senses, and consequently of the body, of self, and of the world, were what had seduced the Most Ancient Church, and hence caused the fall. The tree of knowledge which seduced them has a like signification. In these things lies hidden the reason for their fear of horses. Hence it comes about that they ought not to learn the sciences, for thus their understanding is obscured and blinded, and so the loves of self and the world, which thence derive their origin, begin to have dominion, reigning in darkness.

Experientiae Spirituales 560 (original Latin 1748-1764)

560. Videbant equos, tunc 1

dicebant ii, qui penes me, quod tales apud eos inveniantur multi, sed sunt in sylvis, et eos valde timent, tametsi non nocent, usque est timor quidam 2

insitus pro iis; causa illinc latet, quod equi repraesentent scientias, et quod scientiae particularium, seu sensuum, proinde 3

corporis, sui, mundique fuerint 4

, quae seduxerant antiquissimam Ecclesiam, et inde lapsus, simile 5

ac arbor scientiae significat, quae seduxit [Gen. III: 6]; in his latet causa timoris pro equis, indeque venit, quod non scientias discere debeant, et sic obscuretur et occoecetur eorum intellectus, ac sic amores sui mundique dominari incipiant, qui inde trahunt originem, regnantque in tenebris.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition tum

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. imperfectum in the Manuscript

4. imperfectum in the Manuscript

5. The Manuscript has similile, nisi cum in J.F.I. Tafel's edition similiter legeris

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