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《灵界经历》 第561节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 561

561. The question whether there were too many horses was answered in the negative - from which it can also be gathered that the fish of the sea are not multiplying out of bounds, nor certain harmful animals, such as crows, and others, even though they are not being exterminated, etc. etc. All of this shows clearly the Providence of the Lord, in general and in particular. This they understood, saying that the Lord governs in such a way that each may have its own existence. 1748, the 26th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 561

561. To the question whether the horses were thus very abundant, they replied that they were not. From this also it can be gathered that the fishes of the sea are not multiplied beyond measure, nor certain noxious animals like crows and others, although they are not exterminated, etc., etc., these things plainly show the Providence of the Lord in general and in particular. The spirits of Jupiter apprehended this, saying that the Lord so governs that everyone may have his own. 1748, Jan. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 561 (original Latin 1748-1764)

561. Ad quaestionem num sic praeabundarent equi, quod negatur, inde etiam colligi potest, quod pisces maris ultra satis non multiplicentur, nec animalia noxia, quaedam, ut corvi, aliaque 1

, tametsi non eradicantur, etc. 2

etc., quae satis monstrant Providentiam Domini, in communi et particulari: hoc capiebant ii, dicentes, quod Dominus ita regat, ut cuivis suum sit. 1748, die 26 Jan.


1. The Manuscript has aliique

2. The Manuscript has eradicantur; etc.

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