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《灵界经历》 第5604节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5604

5604. However, they have the Word written in spiritual language, spoken of earlier [5587ֹ7]. They have the Word with a double wisdom: the spiritual [angels] have a meaning intermediate between the inner and the outer meaning; the more inwardly spiritual have it entirely according to the inner meaning; and the heavenly [angels] according to the innermost meaning. In their Word there are no names or numbers, but in place of them realities. Those who desire to be intelligent and wise can be instructed from the Word about the details. In place of the story of creation, it treats there of the new creation of a human being.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5604

5604. But they have the Word written in the spiritual language of which we have spoken previously. They have the Word in twofold wisdom: the spiritual angels have the sense intermediate between the internal and the external; the interior spiritual have it altogether according to the internal sense, and the celestial angels according to the inmost sense. In their Word, there are not names, nor numbers, but, in their stead, things. They who wish to be intelligent and wise, can be instructed from the Word about the minutest details. Instead of the history of the creation, there is, there, something about the new creation of man.

Experientiae Spirituales 5604 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5604. Sed Verbum habent scriptum ad linguam spiritualem, de qua prius [5587-5597], habent Verbum in duplici sapientia, spirituales habent sensum intermedium inter internum et externum, interiores spirituales habent illud prorsus secundum sensum internum, et coelestes secundum sensum intimum; in eorum Verbo non sunt nomina, nec numeri, sed loco eorum res: qui intelligentes et sapientes esse volunt, instrui possunt ex Verbo de singulis; pro historia creationis ibi est de nova creatione hominis.

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