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《灵界经历》 第5606节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5606

5606. There are four kinds of people there just as in the world. 1) Those who give their attention to the uses in the Word, and certainly see other things but do not give attention to them. They serve as a plane [for reception]. It is read in this way by heavenly angels. 2) There are those who draw the doctrinal points of the Word from it. Spiritual angels understand the Word in this way. 3) There are those who are delighted only by its holy outward aspect without understanding it. These are those who are in the lowest heaven. 4) And there are those who merely give attention to its literal meaning, and these are those who give attention only to the words there, like the critics and those who write about various things. The former are on the threshold to heaven, the latter are in its very remotest parts.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5606

5606. (There are four classes of men there, just as in the world. The first attend to the uses in the Word; they also see, indeed, the other things, but do not pay attention to them. They serve as a plane. Thus it is read by the celestials. The second, are those who take the doctrinals of the Word therefrom: thus the spiritual understand it. The third, are those who are delighted only with its holy external, without intelligence: these are they who are in the ultimate heaven. And the fourth, are they who attend only to the literal sense, and they who attend only to the words; as, for example, the critics and those who write various things about it: the former [of these] are in the threshold of heaven, and the latter are in the very extremes.)

Experientiae Spirituales 5606 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5606. Sunt quatuor genera hominum ibi sicut in mundo,

1) [qui] attendunt ad usus ibi, et caetera quidem vident sed non ad illa attendunt, inserviunt pro plano. Ita legitur a coelestibus.

2) Sunt qui doctrinalia Verbi inde desumunt, ita capiunt spirituales.

3) sunt qui delectantur modo sancto ejus externo, absque intelligentia, hi sunt qui in ultimo coelo.

4) Et sunt qui modo attendunt ad sensum literalem, et sunt qui solum ad voces, ibi, ut critici et qui scribunt de illo varia, illi sunt in limine ad coelum, et hi sunt in prorsus extremis.

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