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《灵界经历》 第5622节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5622

5622. I read something in the Hebrew language, without the roughness, and skimming the vowels as only sounds, and [the angels] formed the heavenly meaning from the characters alone in the inmost heaven, and they said there is a correspondence. Those who are from most ancient times speak among themselves in nearly this manner from correspondences, but those who are heavenly today do not do so but still understand. I read Ps. 32:2 in the Hebrew language without the rough pronunciation and almost without the vowels, and they then said they understood what it was from + the sound, namely, that the Lord is merciful to those because they do evil.

+ It is said "from the sound," and what is meant is from the natural speech of those who are there. In place of a, they say the diphthong ao; in place of i there is almost y 1; in place of e there is e there is eu.


1. I.e., "u"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5622

5622. I read something in the Hebrew tongue, without the rough [accent], and rapidly skimming the vowels as only sounds; and, from the syllables alone, they formed the celestial sense in the inmost heaven, and declared that there was correspondence. They who were of the most ancient times speak almost so with each other, from correspondence; but not so the celestials of modern times: still, however, these understand. I read in the Hebrew tongue, Psalm 32:2 verse 2, 1without the rough accent, and almost without even the vowels; and they then declared that they understood what it is from the sound,# namely, this, that the Lord pities those men mentioned because they do evil.

# It is said "from the sound," and it is meant, from the natural 2speech of those who are there. Instead of a, there, they say ao, diphthong; instead of i there is nearly y; and instead of ae there is eu.


1. "Blessed is the man to whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile."

2. I.e. natural as distinguished from artificial, or acquired. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5622 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5622. Legi aliquid in Hebraea lingua, absque aspero, et praetereundo cito vocalia, sicut modo sonantia, et ex solis syllabis formarunt sensum coelestem, in coelo intimo, et dixerunt correspondentiam esse. Qui ab antiquissimis temporibus paene ita loquuntur inter se ex correspondentia, sed coelestes hodierni temporis non ita, sed usque intelligunt. Legi in Hebraea lingua Ps. XXXII: vers. 2, absque accentu aspero et absque vocalibus fere, et tunc dixerunt se intelligere quid sit ex 1

sono, nempe id quod Dominus misericors sit illis quia male faciunt.


1. Ex sono dicitur, ac intelligetur ex loquela naturali illorum qui ibi. Loco a ibi loquuntur ao intermedio, loco i est y fere, et loco e est eu.

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