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《灵界经历》 第5634节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5634

5634. Afterwards it was shown how ones like this are sent to hell. On the side beyond that mountain, more towards the west, is an uninhabited region into which those who are like this are thrown down. This is done in stages, as they themselves also admitted. They said that when those who descend from the mountain to where there is a narrow swamp come up above it, they then lose all ability to understand. They become very stupid. They appear just like corpses and do not know that they are human beings. They wander there in great multitudes. Also a long opening is there that leads under the ground. Those who are worst go in there, and the deeper they go, the more stupid they become. They lie like corpses. Certain ones were sent there, and they said that this is true.

[2] That wide winding passage leads in a curve into the other side, and the further they go the more stupid and the more like corpses they are. The reason is that the inward elements of all who were deceitful and burned with revenge up till the end of life, and felt delight in this, are closed up by spiritual death. With them nothing whole remains at the end. Certain ones went out from that winding passage way. They were like corpses, and also the love of self exhaled around them. It was said that as long as they are like this, they lie like corpses, almost dead, and those with whom that love lessens still have something of life afterwards, but yet they live in that uninhabited place.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5634

5634. Afterwards, was exhibited how such ones are dispatched to hell. At a bridge behind that mountain, more to the western parts, is a desert into which they who are such are cast which is done in succession; as, also, themselves confessed. They said, that, when those who descend from the mountain at this part, where there is a narrow swampy space, come above that, they utterly lose everything of understanding and become most stupid. They appear like corpses; nor do they know that they are men. They wander there in great multitudes. There is also a long opening there, which leads under the ground. They who are worst enter thither, and the more deeply they enter the stupider they become. They lie like corpses. Some were let in thither; and they said that it is so. That wide passage leads, in a curve, to a second bridge, and the farther they come along it, the stupider they grow and the more corpse-like. The reason is, because the interiors of all who have been deceitful, and burned with revenge, up to the end of life, and perceived their delight therein, are closed in spiritual death: with these, at length, no soundness remains. Some went out from that passage. They were like corpses, and the love of self exhaled from them. It was said, that, as long as they are such, they lie like corpses, almost dead; also that those with whom that love is broken, have yet something of life afterwards, but that, still, they dwell in that desert.

Experientiae Spirituales 5634 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5634. Postea manifestabatur quomodo tales mittuntur ad infernum, a parte post montem illum, magis occidentalius est desertum, in quod dejiciuntur illi, qui tales sunt, et hoc successive, quod et ipsi fassi, dicebant quod qui descendunt e monte, ubi est angustum spatium paludinosum, quando supra illud veniunt, tunc perdunt omne intellectus, fiunt stupidissimi, apparent sicut cadavera, nec sciunt quod sint homines, errant ibi ad magnam multitudinem, ibi etiam est apertura longa, quae tendit sub terram, qui pessimi sunt, illuc intrant, et quo profundius eo stupidiores, jacent sicut cadavera, missi quidam illuc, et dixerunt quod ita sit, meatus ille latus tendit in curvum in alteram partem, et quo longius veniunt eo stupidiores, et magis cadaverosi. Causa est, quia omnium interiora sunt oppleta morte spirituali, qui dolosi fuerunt, ac vindicta flagrarunt usque ad finem vitae, et jucundum suum in eo perceperunt, apud illos non aliquod integrum tandem superest. Quidam ex meatu illo exibant, erant sicut cadavera, et exspirabat amor sui etiam apud illos, dicebatur quod quamdiu tales sunt, jaceant sicut cadavera, paene mortua, et illi apud quos ille amor diminuitur, quod aliquid vitae usque postea habeant, sed usque quod in deserto illo habitent.

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