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《灵界经历》 第5633节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5633

5633. To this questioning they said that they hold an inquisition and send to it whomever does not want to accept their statutes and system of religious beliefs. But when they inquire [after those whom they have sent], they see that they have been let go, and they do not know how they escape, and that the inquisitor says that he wants to put an end to this function because it accomplishes nothing. Besides this it was shown how cruelly they treat those who do not want to profess belief in their system of religion and acknowledge them as gods. The atrocious things they do in mistreating them must be kept secret because they are nefarious (they suspend them under their garments by hooks around their necks).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5633

5633. To this interrogatory, they said that they have an inquisition, and that they send thither everyone who is not willing to receive their religious decrees; but that, when they seek [for them], they find them released, nor do they know how they get off; also, that the inquisitor says that he wishes to resign that post because it avails nothing. It was shown, moreover, how cruelly they treat those who are not willing to profess their religious notions and acknowledge them as gods. Those enormities with which they maltreat these latter, must be kept secret, because they are horrible. (They hang them up by hooks fixed under the ribs.)

Experientiae Spirituales 5633 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5633. Ad interrogationem dicebant quod inquisitionem habeant, et quod illuc mittant quoscunque qui non recipere volunt illorum statuta et religiosa, sed quod cum inquirunt vident illos emissos, nec scire quomodo evadunt: et quod inquisitor dicat, quod abrogare se velit illa functione, quia ad nihil valet. Praeterea ostensum, quam crudeliter tractant illos qui non profiteri volunt illorum religiosa, et agnoscere illos pro diis; nefanda illa, quibus tractant illos, reticenda sunt, quia nefaria, (pendunt illos sub vestis uncis).

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