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《灵界经历》 第5638节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5638

5638. Devils who make themselves angels of light

As a result of people's industrious deceitfulness in the world it happens that when people like this come into other life they are able to make themselves out to be angels in spite of the fact that they are devils, and even to enter into the heavens where the angels are. Those who know how to do this can so control their inner elements that nothing other than what is angelic is noticed and perceived. Some do this in one clever way, others in another. Although angels have a quite clear perceptive faculty for noticing and seeing things as they are, still they are deceived.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5638


From the assiduity and deceitfulness of men in the world, it comes to pass, when such ones enter the other life, they are able to present themselves as angels, when, nevertheless, they are devils: and also to enter the heavens where the angels are. They who are skilful in this, are able so to dispose their interiors that nothing else is observed and perceived than what is angelic; some by one art, some by another; [and], although the angels have a tolerably good notion of observing and perceiving, still they are deceived.

Experientiae Spirituales 5638 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5638. Diaboli qui faciunt se angelos lucis

Ex industria et doloso hominum in mundo, fit cum tales in alteram vitam veniunt [quod] possint se sistere sicut angelos, cum tamen sunt diaboli, et quoque intrare coelos, ubi angeli; qui hoc callent possunt ita interiora sua disponere, ut non animadvertatur et percipiatur aliud quam quod angelicum est, quidam hac arte quidam alia, tametsi angeli in perceptione satis clara sunt animadvertendi et percipiendi, usque falluntur.

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