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《灵界经历》 第5643节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5643

5643. Spiritual speech

How regeneration takes place, about the heavens

The fact that regeneration takes place through faith's truths has been shown many times in Arcana Coelestia (The Secrets of Heaven), but from the speech and thought formed of mental imagery in the other life it can be seen how the case is with this. Take for example principles of truth, also marriage and the love of self. Faith's truth is taken into a person's memory, and the good of love into their will. The will through the understanding, or the will in the intellect, sees in the memory that this truth agrees with its good, whatever it may be. It then considers it, loves it, thinks about it, and when this happens also talks about it and does it. In this way good is joined with truth in the natural memory, and they are then together in the spiritual memory and join themselves with each other in a marriage. As for instance, when any man or woman from a goodness in his or her will wants a marriage to be genuine, and from faith's truths in his or her memory knows that a marriage will be like one person and is going to last to eternity if it is a true marriage, and that this love serves as the basis of all loves, then he or she loves these truths because they agree with the will or what is good, or better, with their love. Then they put them in their view, and whenever they think about marriage, their inner sight falls on such things, until these are joined in their outward and inward memory.

[2] But those who do not have what is good in their will reject such things and seize on what is false in their place.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5643


(That regeneration takes place by means of the truths of faith, is shown in many places in the Arcana Coelestia; but through the speech and the thought of ideas, in the other life, how the case is in this matter, can be seen. Let there be, for example, principles of truth; also marriage; and the love of self. The truth of faith is received in a man's memory, and the good of love in his will; the will through the intellect, or the will in the intellect, sees, in the memory, that this truth is in agreement with its own good, whatever that may be. Then, it contemplates it, loves it, thinks it, and also, when opportunity offers, speaks and does it. Thus is good conjoined with truth in the natural memory, and, then, at the same time, in the spiritual memory; and they unite themselves in a marriage. For example, [again], when any man, or woman, wishes, from the good of his (or her) will, that the marriage should be genuine; and, from the truths of faith which are in the memory, knows that married partners ought to be as one man, and that the marriage will endure to eternity if a true marriage; also, that that love is the fundamental of all loves - then, he (or she) loves those truths because they agree with his (or her) will, or good, or love, and places them under his (or her) view; and, as often as he (or she) thinks about marriage, the internal sight falls upon such things, until they are conjoined in the exterior and interior memory. But those with whom is no good of the will, reject such things, and procure falses in their stead. In like manner, the love of self: if, from the truths of faith, it is known that that love is infernal, consequently that it is hell, then good, through the internal sight, makes for itself, about that love, an idea of hell, at which it is horrified; wherefore, as soon as such a thing as is of that love recurs, and it perceives that it is such then the good of the will, through its sight, examines into the idea of hell and is then withheld by the Lord from those things which are of the love of self; and the more completely he is withheld and the better the good is, the more things he begins to know; for the desire of knowing grows according to the good of love, and, also, is increased through the increases of good; so that he is at length sensible of the genera and species of the love of self, and this in himself. Hence he becomes more and more wise. The speech of ideas, when genuine, is of such an nature. Wherefore, the evil cannot endure it; because they have a different and contrary speech of ideas, which is from the falses of evil.)

Experientiae Spirituales 5643 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5643. Loquela spiritualis

Quomodo regeneratio fit, coelorum

Quod regeneratio fiat per vera fidei, multis ostensum est in Arcanis Coelestibus, sed per loquelam et cogitationem idearum in altera vita videri potest quomodo id se habet; sint exemplo principia veri, tum conjugium et amor sui; verum fidei recipitur in memoria hominis, et bonum amoris in voluntate ejus, voluntas per intellectum, aut voluntas in intellectu, videt in memoria, quod id verum concordet cum suo bono, quodcunque sit, tunc introspicit in id, amat id, cogitat id, et quoque cum fit, loquitur id, et agit, sic conjungitur bonum vero in memoria naturali, et simul tunc in memoria spirituali, et se conjungunt conjugio: ut cum vult aliquis seu aliquae ex bono suae voluntatis, ut conjugium sit genuinum, et ex veris fidei quae in memoria, scit quod conjugium erit sicut unus homo, et quod duraturum in aeternum, si verum conjugium, et quod ille amor sit fundamentalis omnium amorum, tunc amat illa vera, quia concordant cum voluntate seu bono, seu amore, et ponit sub intuitu suo, et quoties de conjugio cogitat, incidit visus internus in talia, usque dum conjuncta in memoria exteriore et interiori: at illi quibus non est bonum voluntatis, illi rejiciunt talia, et arripiunt falsa loco eorum. Similiter amor sui si ex veris fidei scitur

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