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《灵界经历》 第5649节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5649

5649. It is important to know also that many of the reformed religion have gone there and professed the Catholic religion, but only those who have had an evil life. When they turned themselves in vain to piety and prayers, in their faith which they had within themselves in the world, they turned to and accepted everything in religion that others wanted [them to accept], since in their own hearts they make nothing of religion. As a result there is a gang of many, many there from various nations, who all are their servants. There is also this external Catholic religion, and it is for people like this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5649

5649. It must be known, also, that many of the Reformed religion betook themselves thither, and that they have professed the Catholic religion, but only those who have been in the evil of life; who, since they betook themselves in vain to piety and to prayers, had recourse to their faith - which in the world they held interiorly in themselves - and embraced all things of religion which the others wished, inasmuch as, in their heart, they regard religion as nothing. Hence there is, there, a very numerous crew from various nations, who are all their servants. That external Catholic religion is also [there]; and is for such ones.

Experientiae Spirituales 5649 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5649. Sciendum etiam quod plures ex reformata religione illuc se contulerint, et quod professi Catholicam religionem, sed solum illi qui in vitae malo fuerunt, qui cum frustra se ad pietatem et ad preces contulerunt, in fidem suam quam in mundo interius in se habuerunt, contulerunt et acceptarunt omnia religionis quae alii volebant, quoniam corde suo religionem nihili faciunt, inde ibi permulta turba est ex variis gentibus, qui omnes illorum famuli sunt, est quoque religio illa Catholica externa et pro talibus.

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