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《灵界经历》 第5650节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5650

5650. When a visitation had been made upon those on the three mountains, it took place soon after with the Romans, and it was found that everything there was diabolical and that they had come even to the point of insanity where they not only rejected the Divine but wanted to be acknowledged as gods, which in fact happened. There they at first had adored God the Father and had passed by the Lord entirely because they said they had all His power, so that He no longer had any power; and [it was found] that the reason they had worshiped in the world with such holiness as they did in the churches and in the sacrament of the Supper was for the sake of their being worshiped, because they were in His place on earth.

[2] Thus when they had become like this and in this way not only taken away all power from the Lord and claimed it for themselves and proclaimed themselves as gods and also instituted the worship of themselves (for such insanity seizes them in the other life when outer restraints are taken away and they are left to themselves as they are within) then the last judgment came upon them. From two mountains all there were taken away in an instant, thus sent into their inward nature, and so in a moment they were hurled into quagmires, certain ones into a higher western one, certain into a lower western one, certain into a sea there, although not many, some into a higher southern quagmire. But the mountain that was in the middle sank in the middle, and those who were there were cast down deep into a hell, and black smoke rose up.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5650

5650. When visitation was accomplished among those who were on the three mountains, it was next made upon the Romans; and it was found that all things there were diabolical, and that, yet, they came to that insanity that they not only rejected the Divine, but also wanted to be themselves acknowledged as gods, which, also, was done. At first, they there adored God the Father, and passed by the Lord altogether, because they said that they have all His power themselves, so that there was no longer anything of power [belonging to Him], and that the reason they worshipped Him so holily in the world, as in the churches and in the sacrament of the Supper, was in order that they might be adored, as being in His stead on the earths. When they became such, and thus not only took away all power from the Lord and arrogated it to themselves, but proclaimed themselves as gods, and also established the worship of themselves (for such insanity seizes them in the other life when exterior bonds are taken away and they are left to their internals) - then, the last Judgment came upon them; all were taken away from two mountains there in a moment, thus were let into their interiors, and so cast into the gulfs, in an instant; some into the higher western one; some into the lower western; some - but few - into the sea there; some into the higher southern gulf. But the mountain which was in the midst, that sank down in the middle; and those there were cast down deeply into hell, and a black smoke mounted up.

Experientiae Spirituales 5650 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5650. Cum visitatio facta apud illos qui in tribus montibus proxime Romanis facta est, et inventum quod omnia ibi essent diabolica, et quod usque ad illam insaniam venerint, quod non solum rejecerint Divinum, sed etiam semet pro diis agnosci voluerunt, quod etiam factum est - primum ibi adoraverunt Deum Patrem, et praeteriverunt prorsus Dominum, quia dicebant se habere omnem illius potestatem, sic ut nullius potestatis amplius esset, et quod tam sancte coluerint Ipsum in mundo, ut in templis, inque sacramento coenae, fuerat causa, quod illi adorarentur, quia loco Ipsius sunt in terris - [ita] illi cum tales facti sunt, et sic non solum Domino omnem potestatem derogaverint, et sibi arrogaverint, et se ut deos venditarunt, et quoque cultum instituebant sui, (nam talis insania occupat illos in altera vita, quando exteriora vincula auferuntur, et illi interius suis relinquuntur,) tunc judicium ultimum super illos venit, a duobus montibus omnes ibi momento desumti sunt, ita in sua interiora missi, et sic conjecti momento in voragines, quidam in occidentalem superiorem, quidam in occidentalem inferiorem, quidam in mare ibi sed pauci, quidam in voraginem meridionalem superiorem. At mons qui in medio, ille subsidit in medio, et illi qui ibi in infernum profunde dejecti, et assurgebat fumus niger.

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