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《灵界经历》 第565节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 565

565. For people who give themselves over to the will of the flesh, only personal elements emerging from words, and double meanings, and the values they place in worldly and bodily things, count for anything. These qualities draw to themselves all higher thoughts, which are then engulfed in them, and thus perish - because to them, those things are everything.

But they who are absorbed in thoughts about heavenly life have no interest at all in anything of this kind, but regard it as something to be laughed about, seeing it as a little cloud in front of the sun, which they at once chase away. For they love the light without little clouds; while those living in an upside-down order love the cloud without the light. They find their light in clouds, and in this their ingenuity consists, that is so admired throughout this planet.

Such [obstructions] also are philosophical terms - consequently, the totality of manmade philosophy. 1748, the 26th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 565

565. With men who indulge in corporeal things, only the particulars from words and equivocal expressions, as well as the things that are in what is worldly and corporeal, effect everything, and draw into themselves all sublime thoughts also, so that they may be immersed therein, and thus perish, because with these men all things are such. But those who are in thoughts concerning the heavenly life care nothing about such things, but laugh at them as something ridiculous, and view them as a little cloud overcasting the sun which they at once dispel, since they love light without little clouds. They who live in inverted order love the cloud without light, for they place their light in the clouds, and this is their ingenuity which is so celebrated throughout the whole of this earth; of such a character also are philosophical terms, consequently all artificial philosophy. 1748, Jan. 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 565 (original Latin 1748-1764)

565. Penes homines, qui corporeis indulgent, particularia solum ex vocibus et aequivocis, praeter ea, quae sunt in mundanis et corporeis, omne efficiunt, et trahunt in se etiam omnes sublimes cogitationes, sic ut immerguntur iis; eae 1

sic pereunt, quia iis omne sunt talia, at ii qui in cogitati onibus sunt de coelesti vita, ii nihil tale curant, sed rident, sicut ridiculum, et vident ea, ut nubeculam objectam soli, quam illico dispellunt, nam lucem amant absque nubeculis; qui inversum ordinem vivunt, amant nubem absque luce, nam in nubibus ponunt suam lucem, et hoc est eorum ingeniosum, quod per totum hunc 2

tellurem 3

ita celebratur, talia sunt etiam termini philosophici, proinde tota philosophia, artificialis. 1748, d. 26 Jan.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's editions iis, ac

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. hic ut alibi tellus masculine dicitur

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