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《灵界经历》 第566节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 566

566. Continuation about the inhabitants of Jupiter

The inhabitants dwelling below the equator, like the inhabitants of this earth in Africa and in the warm zones, go about naked, as said [Gen. 2:25]. In a state of innocence, nakedness is not shameful. The shame of nakedness arises from sin, and in fact, from the wiping out of heavenly love. Then follow loves which cause nakedness to be shameful, for which reason Adam also knew at once that he was naked, and also Eve, and they hid themselves.

So it is with those who live on this planet in the equatorial regions. Nakedness is no great thing to them, for they desire nothing else than to have children, for the sake of heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 566


Those inhabitants who dwell below the equator, like the inhabitants of our earth in Africa and in hot regions, go about naked, as was said [nos. ii 25. In a state of innocence there is nothing of shame in nakedness. The shame of nakedness exists from sin, and indeed from the utter destruction of heavenly love; then loves follow which make nakedness shameful, which is also the reason that as soon as Adam knew that he was naked, and also Eve, they hid themselves. It is the same with those who live in the equatorial regions of that earth; thus nakedness is of no concern to them, for they seek nothing else than the procreation of offspring for the sake of heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 566 (original Latin 1748-1764)

566. Continuatio de Jovis incolis

Incolae, nempe sub aequatore, sicut incolae hujus terrae, ut in Africa, et calida sphaera 1

, ut dictum [521, 558] nudi incedunt, sicut legitur etiam de antiquissimae Ecclesiae, filiis, sub nomine Adami, quod nudi fuerint [Gen.II: [25], in statu innocentiae nuditas nullius est pudoris-pudor 2

nuditatis existit a peccato, et quidem a deletione 3

amoris coelestis; tunc succedunt amores, qui faciunt, quod nuditas sit pudori, quare etiam Adamus illico se nudum cognovit, sicut etiam Eva, et se absconderunt-simile 4

est iis qui in illa tellure sub aequatoris plagis vivunt; ita nihil illis cordi est nuditas, nam nihil aliud quaerunt, quam procreationem sobolis, coeli causa.


1. The Manuscript has sphara

2. The Manuscript has pudoris, pudor

3. The Manuscript has ab+deletione

4. The Manuscript has absconderunt, simile

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