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《灵界经历》 第5653节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5653

5653. with that there was still an intention to evil, she wanted to do evil in every way, to suit every whim of the rulers there, and that this being so, she could not be in heaven, because intentions are perceived there. She said that she could not be in a more inward heaven and that she had gone in and stayed there a little while, but yet when it was made evident that she was like this, she left. But from a deep hell she drew the sort of things that pertained to her goal, which were diabolical things. From these she was driven insane and sent off among those women who are entirely mad. The men too from the other side [of the mountain], where their holy saints are, as they are called because they engage in externally holy worship, are the kind that do everything at the good pleasure of the governors who are on the other side, who worship the devil. Thus the one side benefits the other, what is [aids] holy what is profane.

[2] So there is profanation there. Besides this, through what is holy on one side they have communication with those who are on the first threshold of heaven, who live above them. There is a mountain that rises up from there toward the middle part. There too live those who are of a simple, good nature, that is to say, who are honest. They have gotten a rather good communication with these, and so far as they can communicate with these spirits, so far they can have power. They speak with them and they do friendly things for each other, and sometimes they even socialize with them. But those who have been dishonest and benefited them in evil doing are thrown down from that white mountain and in this way power is partially taken away from them. Those who are in those mountains are more wicked than others, especially those who are in the furthest mountains near the north. They have such perspicuity and inner acuity that they are able to see the thoughts of others, and recite them all.

[5653] 1/2. This happens from a communication with those on the very threshold of heaven. In a word, they are extremely perspicacious, especially those who are from Sicily. Therefore, at the tip of their nose a certain bright light appears, and something like a bush shining with crystals hanging from their ears, but the part below the nostrils, that is to say, the region of the mouth, was entirely black, like hell, so that it could not be seen. I said to them that they regard wisdom as consisting in malice, when nevertheless malice is not wisdom, because malice carries them to hell and so to eternal unhappiness, but true wisdom, which has no malice, brings them to heaven, thus to eternal happiness. At this they fell silent and finally said that they did not know there was any other wisdom than the kind they have, and that the wisdom of others is only simplicity, which they would never want to have.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5653

5653. that there was, still, the intention of doing evil (for she wished to do evil in every manner, according to all the pleasure of the rulers there); and that, therefore, she could not be in heaven, for the intentions are there perceived. She said that she could not in an interior heaven; also, that she went inside and stayed there for some time, but, yet, when it was exhibited that she was of such a character, she removed herself away. But she drew out of a deep hell such things as belonged to her intention which were diabolical. Hence, she was driven into insanity, and rejected along with those who are utterly mad. Those, also, who are on the other side - where are their saints, so called because in holy external worship are such that they do all things according to the pleasure of the rulers who are on the other side, and who have the devil-worship. Thus, the one side favors the other, and holy things, profane; and thus profanation there prevails. Moreover, through the holy things of the one side, they have communication with those who are in the first threshold of heaven, who dwell above them. There is a mountainous region that rises up thence, towards the middle-space: there dwell whosoever are simple-good or upright. With these they procured to themselves a quite powerful communication; and, so far as they have communication with them, so far have they power. They speak with them, and they perform mutual kindnesses to one another, and, sometimes, they associate; but those who have been unrighteous and favored them in evil-doing, are cast down from that wide mountain-region; and thus power is, in part, taken away from them. They who are in those mountains surpass others in malignity; especially those who are in the remotest mountains near the north. They are in such sharp-sightedness and interior acuteness, that they were able to see though the thoughts of others,

5653a. and to read all things out. This occurs by virtue of the communication with those who are in the first threshold of heaven. In a word, they are most keen, especially those who are from Sicily. There hence appears at the tip of their nose, a certain bright light; and, from their ears, as it were a shrub, glittering with crystals and suspended; but the part below the nostrils, or the region of the mouth, was completely black, like hell; so that it could not appear. I told them that they place wisdom in wickedness, when nevertheless wickedness is not wisdom; because wickedness brings them to hell, or to eternal unhappiness, but true wisdom which is without wickedness to heaven, consequently to eternal happiness. At these things they became silent; and, at length, they said that they do not know that any other wisdom exists than such as they possess; and that the wisdom of others is only simplicity, in which they by no means wish to be.

Experientiae Spirituales 5653 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5653. quod usque intentio esset malefaciendi, nam malefacere omni modo volebat, secundum omnem lubitum dominantium ibi, et quod sic non in coelo esse posset, nam ibi intentiones percipiuntur, dicebat quod in interius coelum non posset, et quod introiverit, et ibi morata aliquantisper, sed quod usque cum manifestata quod talis fuerit, inde se contulerit; sed illa ex inferno profundo hausit talia quae intentionis ejus essent, quae diabolica, inde illa in insaniam acta est, et rejecta est inter illas quae prorsus vesanae sunt; tales etiam sunt qui ab altera parte ubi sancti eorum, ut vocantur, quia in sancto cultu externo, quod faciant omnia ad lubitum imperantium qui ab altera parte, qui cultum diabolicum habent, ita favet una pars alteri, sancta prophanis; sic ibi est prophanatio. Praeterea per sancta unius partis communicationem habent cum illis qui in primo limine coeli, qui habitant supra illos, est montanum quod inde assurgit versus meditullium, ibi habitant quoque qui simplices boni seu probi, cum illis acquisiverint sibi communicationem satis multam, et quantum cum illis habebant communicationem tantum valent, loquuntur cum illis, et officia mutua sibi praestant, etiam quandoque conversantur, sed illi qui fuerunt improbi, et faverunt illis in malefaciendo, illi ex montano illo lato dejecti sunt, et sic ablata est illis quoad partem potentia. Qui in montibus illis sunt, sunt maligni prae aliis, imprimis qui in montibus ultimis prope septentrionem, illi tali perspicacitate et acie interiore, ut potuerint perspicere aliorum cogitationes,

[5[653] 1/2. ac recitare omnia, hoc fit ex communicatione cum illis qui in primo limine, coeli; verbo sunt perspicacissimi, imprimis qui e Sicilia, inde apparet quoad nasi extremum candida quaedam lux ex auribus eorum sicut virgultum splendens ex crystallis, pendens, sed pars infra nares, seu regio oris erat prorsus nigra, sicut infernum, ut non apparere posset. Dicebam illis, quod ponant sapientiam in malitia, cum tamen malitia non est sapientia, quia malitia fert illos infernum sic infelicitatem aeternam, sed sapientia vera quae absque malitia coelum, ita felicitatem aeternam; haec obmutescebant tandem dicebant, quod non sciant aliam sapientiam dari quam talem quam habent quod aliorum sapientia sit modo simplicitas, in qua nequaquam esse vellent.

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