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《灵界经历》 第5652节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5652

5652. The mountains near the north, where the Neapolitans were, and finally those from Sicily, which are the lowermost, were also visited, and it was found that they had entirely rejected their religion. In accord with religious custom and counsel they had adopted contrary [dogmas] that they said were false, and they also were false; consequently whatever was false and against faith, the Word, and against the Divine, they had adopted and worshiped, that is to say, made a form of worship from it. They divided their mountain into two parts: on the one side [were] those who were worshipers of what is false, and on the other those who had an outward holiness, saying that on the one side it was of help to worship the Devil, on the other the Divine, so that they would be safe on both sides and that wherever their destiny turned, they would be safe. Where their treasures were, there they put those who had an outward holiness and altars and those who were constantly engaged in the [priestly] office. In this way their treasures were preserved, because this happens through such perpetual [practice of] faith. Otherwise, in the case of the evil, treasures of silver and gold and precious stones vanish of themselves in the other life, concerning which elsewhere [5295, 5412 1/2]:

I saw a holy woman like this. She came to me. She was clothed in linen, as found in monasteries. She, because through [her] holiness she had communication with good spirits who are on the threshold of heaven, had the kind of perception that enabled her to see others' hidden thoughts and feelings. She said that she could come into heaven whenever she wanted, but [she] received the reply that

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5652

5652. The mountains which are nearer to the north, where the Neapolitans are, and at length those from Sicily, which are the most remote, - these, also, were subjected to visitation; and it was found that they have wholly rejected their religion, and, from usage and purpose, have adopted contraries, which they said were falses, and also were falses; so that, whatever was false, and was against faith, the Word and the Divine, this they have adopted and worshipped, or have established worship thence. They divided their mountain-region into two parts, at one part were the worshippers of falsity, and at the other those who were in external holiness - saying, that it is of advantage to worship a devil on the one side and the Divine on the other, in order that thus they might be protected on both sides, and that thus, however they turn themselves, they may be in security. Where their treasures were, there they placed those who were in external holiness, and the altar, and those who were in continuous employment; and thus they preserved their treasures: for this takes place through such permanent faith: otherwise, the treasures of silver and gold and precious stones, with the evil, vanish of themselves, in the other life - about which elsewhere. I saw a female saint of such a quality, who came to me, and who was clothed in linen as if belonging to a monastery. She, because by means of holiness she had communication with good spirits who were in the threshold of heaven, was in such perception that she could see the secret thoughts and affections of others. She said that she could come into heaven whenever she liked; but it was replied,

Experientiae Spirituales 5652 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5652. Montes qui propius ad septentrionem, ubi Neapolitani, et tandem e Sicilia, qui ultimi, illi quoque visitati, et inventum, quod prorsus rejecerint suam religionem, et ex instituto et consilio arripuerint contraria, quae dicebant falsa, et quoque erant falsa, sic ut quicquid falsum, et quod contra fidem, Verbum, et contra Divinum, hoc arripuerunt, et coluerunt, seu cultus inde fecerunt; diviserunt montana sua in binas partes, ab una parte erant cultores falsi, et ab altera qui in sancto externo, dicentes quod juvet ab una parte colere diabolum ab altera Divinum, ut sic tuti essent utrinque, et quod sic utcunque se sors verteret in tuto essent; ubi gazae eorum, ibi ponebant qui in sancto externo, et altaria, et qui jugiter in officio erant, sic conservabant suas gazas, nam hoc fit per fidem talem perpetuam; alioquin gazae, ex argento et auro, et lapidibus pretiosis, apud malos ex se evanescunt in altera vita, de quibus alibi [5295, 5412]: vidi talem sanctam, quae ad me venit, quae erat induta linteo, sicut monasterialis, illa quia per sanctum communicationem habebat cum bonis spiritibus qui in limine coeli, in tali perceptione erat, ut posset videre occultas aliorum cogitationes et affectiones, dicebat quod posset in coelum venire quandocunque vellet, sed responsum,

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